Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Prophecy: Dream Big and Believe for the Impossible

I believe we are in a kairos moment where anything is possible. Kairos is the Greek word in the New Testament for “time,” which is also translated as a “set or proper time, opportunity, due season, short time,” or “a fixed and definite time, the time when things are brought to crisis, the decisive epoch waited for” (see Strong’s Lexicon).

Before the foundations of the world, God has destined us to be alive for such a time as this. He has entrusted us with this unique season to carry hope to the hopeless, peace to the fear-stricken and healing to the brokenhearted. He has entrusted us with laying the foundations for what the new era will look like. He has repositioned us to be in perfect alignment for what He’s about to pour out next, His Spirit in unprecedented measures.

In December of 2019, before COVID-19 was the constant front page topic of every newspaper in the USA, I shared my annual prophecy for the new year. I believed that 2020 would be a year of “synergy, alignment, and an unprecedented outpouring of the Holy Spirit.” Regardless of what we’ve seen so far in this unprecedented time, I believe God’s heart for this year remains the same. 2020 is still a year of synergy, alignment, and an unprecedented outpouring of the Holy Spirit.


This has been such a critical year of reset and realignment toward our destinies. There has been a refining fire of consecration over the foundations of our hearts. I believe God has called us to a deeper level of consecration and being set apart for Him because He is about to shift us into a new era. He knows that in order for us to steward all that He wants to pour out, we will need a refined heart.

Right before Joshua was about to take the promised land, he gathered his army and said, “Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will perform wondrous deeds among you” (Josh. 3:5).

We are in a similar kairos moment as the Israelites were in that moment. God is preparing us to steward an unprecedented outpouring of His Spirit and a harvest of souls like we’ve never seen before. But like the leader of the Welsh Revival, Evan Roberts, once said, “God cannot do a good work through you until He has done a good work in you first.”

This year has been about an invitation to become consecrated vessels, ready to steward the glory of the Lord. Consecration means to be set apart, prepared, holy, purified, appointed and dedicated to the service and worship of God. Consecration is simply being more in love. It is vigilantly focusing our affection and attention on the face of Jesus. There is more refining fire for us as we finish off this unique year. When we can learn to live in the fire of His holiness, we become refined like gold, and everything that would hold us back from all that He has for us gets burned away.


I believe God is specifically releasing a fire of consecration over our alignments in this season.

In the midst of the shifting, transition and adjustment that 2020 has forced upon us, new relationships and partnerships are becoming available.

We need to be wise, discerning, prayerful and aware of what partnerships, alignments, and covenants we make in this season. As we lay new foundations and open ourselves to new alignments, let’s be led of the Spirit. It will be important to be full of peace before extending our hand in partnership. We must follow our peace along these lines and trust we hear from the Lord, even if it doesn’t make sense to anyone else. Know also that it’s not too late to shift things around to make sure our partnerships are pleasing to the Lord as we look to step into 2021.

God will lead us into consecrated and anointed covenants before the year ends. These newly established partnerships will be embedded in the foundations of not just 2021 but the next decade and beyond. Many of these alignments will have ripple effects for eternity. The synergy, acceleration, and favor in the new era will soar from our deepened relationship with Jesus and the alignments we make with other kindred hearted believers in this kairos moment.

Dream Big

Because we are in such a unique kairos moment where the unprecedented is happening on every level all around us, it’s also an anointed time to welcome God to do the impossible in our lives. There is a unique acceleration in this kairos moment and an invitation from heaven. No matter what our circumstances look like right now, I believe God is inviting us to move in the opposite spirit of whatever might be coming against us and lean in for the impossible.

Breakthroughs we’ve been praying years for will soon come to pass in a moment. There is grace in this season to set these before the Lord again and believe for the impossible. As we faithfully come before Him and invite the body of Christ to partner together in prayer with these hopes, dreams and needs, we will begin to see acceleration and breakthrough in such a powerful and unprecedented way that the only answer to explain this miracle is that God did the impossible on our behalf.

Dream big and lean in because 2020 is not over yet. God has destined this time to be one of synergy, alignment, and an unprecedented outpouring of the Spirit. And if we have eyes to see, we might just realize it has already begun and is rapidly upon us. God loves to save the best for last.

Here’s to believing with anticipation for the new wine to be poured out in exceeding measures upon our surrendered lives. {eoa}

Jennifer A. Miskov, Ph.D., is a revival historian, author, writing coach and itinerant minister who loves to lead people into life-changing encounters with Jesus and invite them to receive a fresh baptism of the Holy Spirit and of fire. She founded the School of Revival, which is a mobile intensive school as well as an online school to raise up revivalists around the world. She also regularly facilitates “Writing in the Glory” workshops around the world and online to catalyze authors to write their first books. Jen is ordained by Heidi Baker with Iris Global and currently teaches adjunct for Vanguard University in California, and The King’s University in Texas. She received her Ph.D. in Global Pentecostal and Charismatic Studies from the University of Birmingham, United Kingdom.

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