Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Prophecy: Demonic Forces Are Attacking Global Church With Pandemic of Fear

As I prepared to participate in the Global Day of Prayer called by Cindy Jacobs and many other respected leaders, I heard the Lord say that the tactic of the enemy against the global church right now is to knock the wind out of it via the spirit of fear.

He is trying to spread a pandemic of fear in the church of Jesus Christ. He knows that if he can blindside us with demonic fear, the fear of the Lord will be overtaken, and the doorway to wisdom on how to pray and decree against this thing will be closed. Understanding will be lost, and confusion will come.

The Lord then said that what the enemy is trying to do is grip the church with nosophobia.

What is nosophobia?

Nosophobia is defined as “the irrational fear of contracting a disease.” Nosos is the Greek word for “disease.”

Fear to the believer in the fullness of Christ should be irrational because God has not given us a spirit of fear (1 Tim. 1:7). We are to push back against the demonic spirit of fear and stand in the fear of the Lord. Wisdom on how to pray and decree will only come when we are grounded in the fear of the Lord. The fear of the Lord will set you free and keep you free from the snare of death that is this irrational demonic fear.

“Where can wisdom be found? It is born in the fear of God. Everyone who follows his ways will never lack his living-understanding” (Ps. 111:10a, TPT).

The Lord then showed me this word nosos in Scripture. He pointed me to Luke 9:1, “Jesus summoned together his twelve apostles and imparted to them authority over every demon and the power to heal every disease.” The word “disease” in the text is the word nosos.

God has given his sons and daughters, those who stand in the fear of the Lord, legal right to overturn disease and cast out fear. You see Jesus and his disciples dealing with nosos (disease) over and over in Scripture, so He has set a “not on my watch” biblical precedent that fear and this disease has to bow before the King of kings.

It is time to:

  1. Cast off the restraint of fear.
  2. Bow before God almighty in reverential awe and holy fear.
  3. Receive divine wisdom and strategy.
  4. Overturn this demon of disease.

“The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life, to depart from the snares of death” (Prov. 14:27, MEV).{eoa}

Anthony and Melissa Medina are a husband-and-wife team with a mandate to ignite hope, healing and spiritual hunger. They have a vision and passion for hosting the presence and power of God to change lives and transform nations. Together, they founded HopeFires International, an itinerant ministry by which they engage their complimentary gifts to deliver sound, biblical teaching, prophetic ministry and demonstrations of God’s power to heal and set people free. Anthony and Melissa are recognized prophetic ministers and members of the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders. They are also pastors of prayer and prophetic ministry at Trinity Church in Cedar Hill, Texas, where they reside with their son, Caleb. Visit

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