Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

Prophecy: 2020 Will Usher in Fresh Starts and Turning Points for Believers

As we prepare to finish well throughout the rest of 2019, Holy Spirit has been speaking to me about the age to come. Since the number nine is the largest single digit in our numerical system and is identified as a number of completed cycles or fullness, we can’t help but to anticipate more full circle moments at the threshold of our leap over into the 2020s.

Our experience-based navigation process moving us beyond our current paradigms to enter into the reality of greater revelatory capacity for what lies ahead has positionally prepared us to understand, perceive and discern a more precise and accurate prophetic blueprint through the year 2020 and beyond. Transition and full-circle moments oftentimes go hand in hand when God repositions His church to fulfill her intended destiny. What God accomplished through His Spirit in the upper room on the day of Pentecost was just a glimpse of how we’ll taste and see that the Lord is good as we transition into this new era with hearts ready and yielded to what God has in store (Ps. 34:8).

The year 2020 will prove to be a year of apprehending the perfections of the Holy Spirit through the seven spirits of God for the body of Christ and for the world to see beyond our current measure of understanding (Luke 11:2-3, Rev. 5:6, Rev. 4:5). The spirit of might in particular holds the dynamics to equip the saints of God to accomplish great kingdom exploits while stewarding a new outpouring of the Spirit through the billion-soul harvest.

Not only will our vision improve with breadth of view as the seer anointing polishes our eyes afresh with new eye salve, but our sight and sounds will merge together to form a move of God to awaken the planet in the most unusual of ways. A revolutionary move for the seven mountains of influence holds the keys for impacting society with the heart of God as marketplace ministry explodes around the globe.

What’s been accomplished in previous years for the kingdom through targeted spheres of influence will double in its capacity with a cause-and–effect outcome. An Isaiah 55:5 promise from the Spirit of God will anoint an Esther generation with multiplied influence and radical favor for drawing the most “colorful” prospects into the kingdom. The rainbow of God’s promise is stretching beyond our own imaginations and will touch an unexpected people group with His love and power in the coming ages. The year 2020 might roar through like a lion releasing its identifiable roar. But this new and remarkable era will certainly hold the earmarks of a contemporary Nazirite company who seeks, prays and consecrates themselves to our Creator God (Num. 6:1-21, Acts 18:18).

God is in the business of being faithful to complete what He started according to His times and seasons in the earth realm. When Joshua passed over the threshold of transition after the death of Moses in Joshua 1; God promised Joshua that dominion was his wherever the soles of his feet found a place to occupy or step upon (Josh. 1:1-3). God had equipped Joshua for his journey and for his assignment long before Joshua pioneered the promised land with the Israelites behind him. Today, the Spirit of God has positioned His people and His Church to herald a move of His presence ready and waiting to unfold as we transition into a new era that promises not to disappoint. When we make room for Holy Spirit to shock and captivate us with His presence; nothing is impossible for him who believes!

“And now I’m doing it to you: You’ll summon nations you’ve never heard of, and nations who’ve never heard of you will come running to you Because of me, your God, because The Holy of Israel has honored you” (Isa. 55;5, MSG).

Our crossovers from the days of transition are inevitable as our yearning for a fresh move of God postures us for the open doors before us. What we’ve learned and experienced in our previous seasons were shaping and refining mechanisms preparing our heart and the church for Her finest hour. The Spirit of the Lord has set us up for success!

As we move through our assigned spheres of influence as salt and light upon the earth for all to see, the greatest show on earth is ready to unfold as God demonstrates His majesty and power. The systems of Baal might confess to have the upper hand in all spheres of society. However, the fire of God is separating the precious from the vile for a showdown certain to quicken the hearts of every eye witnessing the scene. Prepare your heart for more shock and awe moments throughout the roaring ’20s! God is in the midst of her, as an ever-present help in times of need (Ps. 46:5).

“For I know the plans that I have for you, says the Lord, plans for peace and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope” (Jer. 29:11).

A Year of Turning Points and Fresh Starts

Recently, I heard Holy Spirit say the year 2020 would be “a year of turning points and fresh starts.” According to Strong’s dictionary, the Greek word for the number 2020 is epiphosko, which means “to shine, dawn or to grow light.” Epiphosko is linked scripturally to Matthew 28:1 where Mary Magdalene and the other Mary visited the tomb of Jesus after His resurrection. Early on Sunday morning, as the new day was dawning, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went out to visit the tomb (Matt. 28:1). The word “new” in Matthew 28:1 means a promised turning point or fresh start.

A “turning point” is described in bibletools.org as “a critical juncture, a point in which decisive change takes place or a turn of affairs occurring for better or worse, according to the plans and purposes of God” (Isa. 55:8-9). A turning point most often transpires when the decision-making process comes to its highest peak for advocating change. God used turning points in the lives of His people to shift them spiritually, positionally and governmentally to demonstrate His heart for the advancing of destines, nations and kingdoms. The greatest turning point in Scripture was the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the grave for the saving of a generation in a lost and darkened world (Matt. 28:6).

The year 2020 will be alive with turning points orchestrated by the hand of the Lord! Resurrection power will continue to rattle dry bones back to life as an Ezekiel army awakens the bride of Christ with the wind of God in its sails. While the watchman anointing heralds its sound on behalf of the coming King, the earth will continue to shake with the anticipated expectation of the Millennial sons and daughters of God to appear. An hour of greater power is upon us. Fresh starts are in queue for the body of Christ after having contended through seasons of the stripping away of the flesh. The horizon is filled with promise. Set your eyes on Jesus and expect nothing less than His best. It’s time to reap—and to collect the spoils of war—from the vineyards of an end-time harvest!

The Sights and Sounds of the ’20s

I’ve had several dreams recently about the sounds ready to emerge from the ’20s. Without a doubt, we can anticipate a stark shift in our social and political atmospheres as an Esther generation pioneers a fresh sound for defeating the spirit of Haaman (Esth. 7). God has chosen women with greater authority and power to give voice to what our culture requires we hear.

But God has chosen a remnant for wielding the scepter of His favor into spaces and places resistant to the voice of God in their midst. Not only will the church arise in the throes of what Scripture calls the darkened days before the coming of the great and glorious day of the Lord (Acts 2:20). But the saints of God carrying a “holy and audible groan” for a genuine move of the Spirit is breaking open the wells of long-awaited revival with a sound responsive to heaven’s ears (Acts 7:34).

This sound is no ordinary sound in the Spirit. It’s a sound quickening the heart of the Father at this hour labeled as an emergence of prophetic and prolific voices for a harmonious move of His Spirit! The fruit from this new emergence of sound is beginning to erupt at the seams through a convergence of intercessors and psalmists who hear the heartbeat of God through uninfected streams. A pure flow from a rare breed is being activated at this hour. Watch for the arising of harpists, violinists and Spirit to breathe instruments, to forge a new trail in praise and worship streams across the land (2 Kings 3:15, 1 Sam. 10:5). The sound of deliverance is in the air! What God intended for His church will not relent any longer. The war of the “worlds” has sounded. The hosts of heaven along with the Army of God are positioned front and center. What’s been delayed has been shot out as an arrow being released from her quiver! Get ready year 2020 for turning points and fresh starts from the Lord! The church has heard her call for repentance—from the Spirit of revival!

Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. For the darkness shall cover the earth and deep darkness the peoples; but the Lord shall rise upon you, and His glory shall be seen upon you. The nations shall come to your light and kings to the brightness of your rising. Lift up your eyes all around, and see: They all gather themselves together; they come to you; your sons shall come from afar, and your daughters shall be carried at your side. Then you shall see and be radiant, and your heart shall thrill and rejoice because the abundance of the sea shall be converted to you, the wealth of the nations shall come to you (Isa. 60:1-5).

Holly Watson is a prophetic voice with a mandate to awaken the bride of Christ to her end-time identity. Her passion is to release the heart of the Father in a pure and uncompromising way, while stirring this generation with fresh Holy Ghost fire. Holly’s desire is to see every person walk in liberty and freedom in Christ through the transforming power of the Holy Spirit. Holly ministers under a strong prophetic anointing and releases the healing power of the Holy Spirit under the Luke 4:18 mandate. Connect with Holly at krgo.org

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