Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

May Prophecy: Mega Faith Plus Mega Grace Equals a Mega Movement

I heard the Lord say: Mega grace and mega faith equals a mega movement. Hear the word of the Lord:

“My grace is sufficient for you and I’ve given you the measure of faith. I will move on your behalf when you step out in faith and rely on My grace to obey the words I have spoken to your heart. I will make impossible things possible. I will show you ways over, around and through things that have held you back in past seasons. I will make a way for you as you release faith-filled words and appropriate My grace that dwells on the inside of you. My grace offers you supernatural favor. My grace offers you supernatural power. My grace offers you whatever you need in the moment. Release your faith to walk in My grace, and you will see things move that seemed immovable. You will see Me move in ways you hoped and prayed for. You will see yourself move into a new dimension of my goodness. It’s time to move.”

Watch this teaching video in which I unpack this prophetic word.


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