Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Who made that powerful statementsome great preacher? A spiritual leader in our nation, perhaps? No, that statement was made in 1863 by none other than President Abraham Lincoln. It was made during the Civil War when he called our nation to prayer and fasting, asking God for His help during that troubled time.

What our founding fathers and early leaders believed about God and this nation, and the connection between them, is indisputable. Why does our history matter? Why do our roots matter? Why is it important to revisionists and secular humanists that they rewrite and distort our history?

If it didn’t matter what our history was, they wouldn’t bother to rewrite it and distort it. The truth is, it matters much whether or not we were founded as a Christian nation.


First of all, God honors covenant. The Bible says He keeps covenant and mercy to a thousand generations. You’ll find leaders all throughout Scripture who, when calling on God for His help and His mercy, based their request on a covenant with Himpromises made in the past between God and His people. And when we call upon God, we at times have to call upon Him (of course always based on Scripture), on the premise that we are honoring the covenant we made with Him as a nation.

Our history is important also because it demonstrates that God had a purpose in the founding of this nation. God was involved. Our forefathers knew that God was involved, and it demonstrates our godly heritage that our founding fathers believed in His purpose and destiny and dedicated this nation to it. But the liberals, humanists and those who want to rewrite our nation’s history don’t want you to know that God had a purpose in the founding of this nation and that our forefathers intended to honor that purpose.

Our history demonstrates that our founding fathers were influenced by God’s Word and His ways when writing the Constitution and forming our government. Those who don’t like this want to twist the meaning of our founding documents to try to negate God’s influence and rewrite our history. That’s why it is important for us to know that in our roots we are a Christian nation and have a God-given purpose and destiny.

We know that we were a Christian nation in our early days. We know what our founding fathers and early leaders wanted. But have the humanists, secularists, atheists and revisionists won the culture war? Are we, as Newsweek claimed, at the end of Christian America?

No, they have not won the war! It is true that they have made great gains and, in many areas of our culture, they do currently rule: education, media, government and so on. And many in governmentthe president, Congress, judgesare pulling out all the stops to remove anything and everything that would make us a Christian and godly nation. They are attacking biblical values and life.

President Obama, who voted for the right to take the life of a baby born alive after a botched abortion, along with many in Congress, are trying to reverse through the Freedom of Choice Act every restriction ever placed on abortion. They are trying to pass legislation making it illegal, even for churches, to refuse to hire an individual who violates their moral beliefs. They are trying to make doctors violate their consciences by forcing them to perform abortions.

They want to remove tax deductions for you if you donate money to your church. They want to make it illegal for ministers to preach and quote Scriptures calling various behaviors a sin. They are requiring you and me to fund abortions.

Whether you know it or not, or like it or not, they are requiring you and me to fund abortions, even in other nations. The current administration and Congress have the most radical anti-Christian, anti-Bible agenda in the history of our nation. They are seriousand they have pulled out all the stops. In essence they are saying, “We have won the culture warnow we are going to shove it down your throats.”

But they have not won the culture war! The war is not over! I believe, as do many Americans, that God is about to send a great revival to our nation and that as we work and plan, He is going to give us a strategy to produce a great reformation that shifts our culture back again to what God intended it to be from the start.

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