Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Jennifer LeClaire Releases Urgent Prophetic Warning Over Washington, D.C.

When I flew into D.C. yesterday, there were so many Secret Servicemen on the plane I wondered what was going on!

When I flew into D.C. yesterday, there were so many Secret Servicemen on the plane I wondered what was going on! I was texting with some colleagues about it when suddenly I looked up, and President Jimmy Carter was standing in front of me, extending his hand so I could shake it.

It was an interesting encounter that had me pondering many things.

When I landed in D.C., I got caught up in the Carter entourage but finally made it to my cab. That’s when I heard an urgent warning in my spirit over D.C. I heard:

“Danger, danger, stranger danger … It’s not coming from where you think.”

I published a short Facebook video yesterday diving into this and praying. Please view it and agree with us in prayer. We can stop whatever the enemy has planned. We can push back this darkness, in Jesus’ name.

Thanks for standing in the gap and making up the hedge.

Signing off from D.C.,

Jennifer LeClaire


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