Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

It’s Time to ‘Finish Well’



Editor’s Note:
Ken Malone shared this prophetic word with us, which was given
during a recent meeting in Tampa, Fla., and judged to be for America
and the American church. It is about the ending of a season from June
until the end of September 2011 and of the Lord’s
entering a new
era beginning in October
that will position the church for the future.

June through September 2011
are finishing months—months in which the body of Christ must
finish well. Beginning the first of October (which is Rosh
Hashanah), we will move into a new era.

This new era will be marked
by the following:

  • Signs and wonders will go
    to a new level
  • We will take on a new
  • The gifts will rise to a
    new level
  • There will be an increase
    in revelation
  • There
    will be a harvest of souls

is defined this way: a period of time marked by distinctive
character, events, etc.; the period of time to which anything belongs
or is to be assigned.


The Lord said: “Call for
the ekklesia to go after God during the months of August and
September. Separate unto the Lord so that the ekklesia
finishes well and enters the new era properly. I
am calling on the church to go after God over the next two months.
Set aside your agenda and plans and separate yourself unto the Lord.
Enter into a Joel 2:15-17 season with the Lord.”

Here is what Joel 2:15-17
says: “Blow a trumpet in Zion, consecrate a fast, proclaim a solemn
assembly, gather the people, sanctify the congregation, assemble the
elders, gather the children and the nursing infants. Let the
bridegroom com out of his room and the bride out of her bridal
chamber. Let the priests, the Lord’s ministers, weep between the
porch and the altar, and let them say, Spare Thy people, O Lord, and
do not make Thine inheritance a reproach, a byword among the nations.
Why should they among the peoples say, ‘Where is their God?’”

Here’s what you can do over
the next two months:

  • Pastors, consecrate
    yourself. Go after Him personally. Call for your congregation to go
    after the Lord over the next two months. Set aside services to go
    after Christ over the next two months.
  • Worship leaders,
    set your affections on Christ over the next two months.
  • Prayer leaders, set
    aside this time to go after God.
  • Body of Christ, go
    after God for the next two months. Cancel your plans and go after
  • Government leaders,
    make Christ your priority over the next two months.
  • Business leaders,
    consecrate yourself and your business unto the Lord.
  • Educators,
    devote yourself to the Lord.

 Here are some things you
need to do personally and corporately:

Intimacy: Enter into a
place of renewed passion and love for Christ.

Removal: Ask the Lord to
remove anything in you that is not of Him.

Devotion: Simple devotion
to Christ. Give your life again to Him.

Study: Get into His Word.

Tie up loose ends: Ask the
Lord to show you. It will be different for everyone.

Fasting: Joel 2 was marked
by corporate and personal fasting.

Prayer: Stir yourself up
to active prayer.

Solitude: Set aside time
to get alone with the Lord.

Renewal: Let there be a
removal of the old. Ask the Lord to remove the old in order for the
new to take root.

Celebrate the Lord’s Supper personally and corporately.

There will be a grace to do
this. Don’t strive to enter—just move into finishing well through
His grace. We need the remnant. The Lord does not need the masses—He
needs the remnant who will give their life to Him. Will you be a part
of that remnant who will cause
America to finish well?

the Author:
Ken Malone is an ordained minister and the founder of
Forerunner School and Ministry in Champions Gate, Fla.
He serves on the board of Dutch Sheets Ministries and is the
apostolic coordinator for the Florida Alliance for Reformation, which
is a part of the United States Alliance for Reformation.

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