Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

I Am Reordering Your Path So You Can Finish the Race!

The Lord met us so powerfully during worship on Sunday during our celebration service. After a week where we had been focused on explosions—both in Boston and West, Texas—the Spirit of the Lord began to speak about the “race” we are running.
“You Will Cross, and the Victor’s Cup Will Be Waiting”
Keith Pierce began prophesying:
“You will cross the finish line. Do not confuse the enemy’s resistance with My assistance! The trauma that you have been in has caused you to stop short. Today is a day to take one simple step toward that line, and you will see Me do the rest. Where the enemy has exploded with resistance, I will explode with assistance, and through the equipping of My name, you will cross, and the victor’s cup will be waiting. So arise and shake off the confusion, arise and shake off the doubt, ’cause faith will allow you to take the step that will cause the Heavens to shift in a new way.”
“My New Move”
Anne Tate had a word regarding movement: “This is a day that I’m causing the movement to shift. I have a new movement that has entered the earth. The sound that is creating this movement is joining the present sound of My troop that is moving in the earth. Juda—worship and apostolic leadership in My present congregations—will begin to move as I am moving. If not, the enemy will establish himself to lessen the authority of My kingdom people in the earth.
“My new move will not prevent but enhance and open the giving! Stand still and watch as the giving for your next season comes into place. My new move is opening up the way for this giving to be released for kingdom missions. Release of supply will cause giving to come into place. Judah will come to a higher place in Me, and the enemy will be defeated.”
Reordered for the Future; a New Way of Pressing Through
I then shared my perspective from what we saw with the bombing at the Boston Marathon. We saw that although the race had been run over and over and over, the race itself was interrupted and changed. It’s like something different now gets reordered for the future—a new, watchful eye gets reordered for the future, and a new way of pressing through gets ordered for the future. For many of you who have been running hard, the enemy would love to ambush you at the end of your race so you finish this season devastated and without the strength to begin your next assignment.
Father, we thank You that You have changed the course of the way that we’ve moved forward in the last season, and now we will press across into this season in a new way.
It’s almost like you got to the end, and God is now shifting you into the beginning in a way you’ve not been shifted before. And you will rerun and cross over in a way that you couldn’t have crossed over in the last season.
“You Will Now Move With the End in Mind”
LeAnn Squier began to sing the word of the Lord:
“And you will now move with the end in mind,
You will now run and you’ll know the finish line.
You will now run with the end in mind—
It’s gonna change the way you move, the things you do.
You’re gonna run, you’re gonna move with the end in mind.
And all the scattered energy that you’ve expended,
On many things, many things that didn’t prosper,
Now you’re gonna harness them like God harnesses the wind,
And you’re gonna move them towards the finish line, towards the finish line
… You’ll have My end in mind.”
“I Must Narrow Your Focus”
I could truly see the end of what the Lord was now beginning. I prophesied what the Lord showed me: “I must narrow your way and refocus that which you need to be focused in.”
I saw the Lord taking all the distractions and reordering them. The Lord said it would take a 40-day process to have it all reordered, but I would be able to get reordered so I could see the next end of what He was beginning.
The Lord said, “I am beginning something that will cause you to be established in a new way, and I’m beginning something that will help My people break forth by leaps and bounds. But I must narrow your focus so that what is now beginning, you will be able to see the end clearly. For I reveal the end from the beginning.”
LeAnn Squier continued singing:
“Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End,
We will now move towards the Omega with the Alpha in mind,
We will now move with the end in mind.
And all the scattered energies that you have expended,
You will now harness them like God harnesses the wind.
And you’ll move in one direction,
You’ll move with the end in mind.”
“I Am Opening Your Eyes”
Barbara Wentroble then shared how all morning she kept hearing the Lord say, “This is a time that I am activating the seer anointing in a whole new way. I’m going to cause you to see what you could not see in days past. For you have even had awareness of the activity of the enemy, but I am opening your eyes and activating the seer anointing so that you can see that there are more that are for you than there are that are against you.
“This is a new time, and you’re going to see, even though there’s been an awareness of the enemy. In this hour, there will be such a new strength that will come to My people because this seer anointing will see the angelic activity and will see the presence of the Lord in a new way. So, watch Me as I open your eyes in a new way and cause you to see what you could not see in days past.”

Charles D. “Chuck” Pierce serves as president of Global Spheres, Inc, in Corinth, Texas. This is an apostolic, prophetic ministry that is being used to gather and mobilize the worshipping triumphant reserve throughout the world. GSI facilitates other ministries as well, and participates in regional and national gatherings to develop new kingdom paradigms. Chuck also serves as president of Glory of Zion International Ministries, a ministry that aligns Jew and Gentile. He is known for his accurate prophetic gifting that helps direct nations, cities, churches and individuals in understanding the times and seasons in which we live. Chuck and his wife, Pam, have six children and seven grandchildren. He has authored over 20 books, including the bestsellers Possessing Your Inheritance, The Future War of the Church, The Worship Warrior, God’s Unfolding Battle Plan, Interpreting the Times, Redeeming the Time, and Time to Defeat the Devil.

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