Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

God Is Releasing a Mighty Generation of Well Diggers

God needs a mighty generation of well diggers.

While traveling on a recent ministry trip, I awoke from a prophetic dream that released a fresh vision of revival in my heart. I believe that this dream is a picture of a mighty generation of well diggers being released in this hour. The Lord began to speak to me about His plans for revival in this generation. He is raising up a radical company to dig the wells of revival and release the flow.

In my dream, I saw old wells and underground rivers. The rivers were undiscovered and lay deep under the surface. I then saw people with rods in their hands. I knew these to be the revivalists, those who are so hungry for a move of God, ministers who are pushing, praying and seeking an outpouring. They were roaming the fields and lands searching for the old wells and underground waters.

The Holy Spirit began to say to me, “The pressure is building! The underground pressure is building.” There is a people who are hungry and thirsty for revival in the land! They are tired of ordinary meetings, seminars and gatherings. Their hearts are longing for something greater.

There is a new breed of apostolic and prophetic leaders who have been raised up in this hour to tap into the wells and release the underground rivers. As I was processing this dream, I asked the Holy Spirit, “What do the underground rivers represent?” He quickly answered me and said, “These underground waters represent the deep works of the Spirit that have remained in the earth. No matter how far man’s heart has drifted, the rivers are still in the earth waiting to be tapped and released.”

I then saw regions of America that were once centers of the move of God but have grown so cold. Those regions have deep wells and underground waters that cannot be seen or sensed with the natural senses, yet they remain waiting to be tapped and released. The Father is bringing forth prophetic people in regions that can see beyond the natural to see the underground waters, the potential move of God. It is critical that the prophetic spirit is released within the church to CALL FORTH this move!

It Will Come Bursting Forth in a Powerful Way Because the Pressure Has Been Building …

Anointing, power and mantles remain in the earth even though a particular vessel or generation passes away. These rivers of glory are still present in the atmosphere. Just as natural water remains in the earth, so does the move of God. Each generation is called to embark on a journey of pursuit in order to unlock the former rain (that which was poured out and lay ready to be released again) and the latter rain (the unique move of the Spirit for this time)! It is not in the plan of God that we simply lose mantles and rivers because key leaders pass away.

In my dream the revivalists with the unusual looking rods in their hands continually searched for the water with intense pursuit. The Lord began to speak to me and say, “As they find it and tap into it, it will come bursting forth in a powerful way because the pressure has been building.”

Can you imagine how strange it would look to people to see a person now, in this time, roaming around with these old rods in their hands? This is a prophetic picture of those who are willing to obey God at all costs! We MUST be delivered from the fear of man, and particularly the ridicule that the religious spirit brings. The voices of religion are irrelevant to those whose hearts are longing for revival. God is establishing people in this hour who will look for the wells, dig the wells, not be moved by religion, and have daring faith to believe for Holy Spirit transformation of territories. I say, “Let it be so, Lord!”

“And children of Zion, exult and rejoice in the Lord your God, because He has given to you the early rain for vindication. He showers down rains for you, the early rain and the latter rain, as before” (Joel 2:23).

Ryan LeStrange started in ministry after training and serving under his spiritual father Dr. Norvel Hayes. Ryan and his wife, Joy, lead Impact International Ministries based in Bristol, Virginia, which consists of several local churches and revival ministries. Through Ryan LeStrange Ministries, he travels the globe preaching, igniting revival and moving in the power of God. Ryan can be seen weekly on his television program, Power 4 Today, airing around the world on GodTV. He is the founder and apostle of Impact International Apostolic Fellowship, networking and fathering ministers around the world. Ryan has authored several books releasing an apostolic and prophetic perspective to the Body of Christ.

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