Tue. Sep 17th, 2024
As we approach Rosh Hashanah, Jewish New Year, the Lord keeps imprinting the word “gather” in my spirit, along with the story of rebuilding the walls and gates of Jerusalem through Nehemiah’s leadership. The unfolding narrative of the rebuilding, taken from Chapter 3, has some keys for us to pray with as we enter into this great coming new year for the bride of Christ and our world. The Bible tells us that after the great leader purposed that no unclean thing would have a part to play in the rebuilding and refortification, he gathered those who had the spiritual right and availability to mount this great work. From stage left enters Eliashib the High Priest, who, in turn, “rose up with his brothers the priests, and they built the Sheep Gate” (Neh. 3:1).
The Chosen Ones
The Lord has let us know from the beginning that He has chosen us and that “the LORD has called Me from the womb; From the body of my mother He has named me” (Isa. 49:1). Eliashib wasn’t any different, as his name would mean “whom God restores”; it also meant a conversion back to what it was meant to be. In short, this man had been called to be a convertor.
Yet his tenure as a high priest, before being exalted as one of the rebuilding leaders, was fraught with compromise that for all intents and purposes should have disqualified him from such a hallowed position. But God!
He had allowed his grandson to marry the daughter of Sanballat and, to add insult to injury, he had indulged Tobias to the degree that he had leased storerooms in God’s holy temple and gave him charge over it. His past spoke deafening indictment over him and thus was unfit to show his face. What compromise! What open door for accusation against any rebuilding. But God!
However, in spite of his past and present issues, he had a calling and purpose over his life as a priest. And from the place of real repentance, right and proper arrangement of God’s holy temple, he could confidently and without accusation walk into the full calling of God on his life as one that would convert.
Priests Of Today
Eliashib is a perfect picture of how we today have operated in presumption in wanting to build or erect something for God. We fail to understand the times and seasons; instead, we seek out the gift of man rather than being still and knowing He is God, so that He may direct our paths. We look on the outside rather than the heart and real intentions, getting into alignments that erode and leech from us. In doing so, we become so compromised that we easily acquiesce to demands and place people into positions that clearly go against God’s heart and will. These people, therefore, become “inside man” for the will of the opposition.
Our Lord’s example in the choosing and appointing of His own converters/disciples needs to be our true yardstick. He did nothing without seeing His Father do it, nor spoke without hearing His Father utter His commanding voice. He did not judge by what He saw or heard, but in righteousness did He operate. Jesus knew who to choose to do life with and to appoint into high office. It was not done on a whim or impression, but from the blueprint that came…
Read more of this prophetic word on Betty King Ministries.{eoa}

Rev. Betty King is a world-renowned speaker and prophetess. She is a true embodiment of the Father’s love and compassion. Her passion to fulfill God’s call has seen her travel to all the continents, moving in the prophetic, touching and transforming many lives and rekindling hope. She is a woman full of love, wisdom, kindness, hope, compassion and grace.

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