Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

It is imperative that the body of Christ accurately discern
the times and seasons we find ourselves in.  As the sons of Issachar, we
too, must be aware of not only what God is doing at the moment, but we must be
aware of what is looming before us.

I have been listening intently
to what the Spirit of the Lord is saying for this hour.  As we enter into
2011, I believe God in His goodness, is giving us insight and direction for the
upcoming season.

Let me start
out by saying, God desires that we, the bride, walk in unusual favor and
victory as never before!
God has released a
level of grace and power that we must demonstrate to the world that our God
reigns in spite of our circumstances and situations.  I remind you to,
“Arise, shine for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon
you.” (Isaiah 60:1) The
bride shall shine forth with the illumination of Christ, even as the world
trembles in fear and trepidation of the unknown.

As we progress into 2011, we
find ourselves still in a season of transition.  There is great
acceleration and shifting occurring daily as we see crisis on personal,
national and global level continue to escalate.    This will not
cease nor slow, but things will continue to change rapidly from day to day,
particularly in regards to the declining economic conditions.  As I have
been saying for the last two years, “Now is the time to get your finances in

During this transition, it is
important to remain steadfast.  As you find yourself in transition, be at
peace that God has a plan and He is orchestrating the events that must come to
pass. I hear the Lord
saying: “I will bring you into a season of clarity and you will have
greater direction for your life.”

We are on the precipice
of a crossroads of crisis.
We will find ourselves at a time
where there is a major clash of good vs. evil in the approaching days. 
This is not to incite fear or panic, nor is it my intention to add to the ever
increasing “doom and gloom” prophetic words, which seem so prevalent
today.   I want to emphasize that God, in His goodness, is giving us
a season of contemplation and preparation so that we will not be caught unaware
and therefore thrown into a frenzy of panic, confusion and turmoil.

I believe there is a
major crisis on a national level looming within the next two to three years.
I see much of this crisis will
be on a level that affects our nation from the top down, resulting in great
change for our nation as a whole.  I am not sure what the end result will
be or look like; however, I am confident that God is preparing us to not only
endure these changes, but to live victoriously in the face of them.

Now is the time to cast
off every weight that would hold you back personally and to pursue wholeness
for your personal life.
Walk in a new level of joy and
peace in the upcoming year.  God says, “Quit looking at your
circumstances!  Stop focusing on the giants and start seeing your

One of the greatest
assignments of Satan at this time is to bring a spirit of offense to the body
of Christ.
Be aware of offenses that arise
before you. Do not let the spirit of offense rob you of your victory.  We
cannot control when offense comes, but the key is how we respond.  Do not
give offense a place in your life.  Choose to overlook offenses and be
quick to forgive in the days to come.

Christians must rise up
in this hour and begin to war in the spirit.
No longer can the body of Christ
cower in fear and silence.  It is time to open up your mouth and begin to
call the things that are not as though they are!   There is a new
level of authority and power in the spoken word that has been released to the
body of Christ.  We will begin to see many miracles; especially healings
occurring as the word is spoken forth, ever increasing on corporate levels as
well as personal.  This will continue to accelerate as the people of God
become more confident in this new release of anointing.

There is a new song that
will begin to rise forth from the earth.
This sound of heaven will be
released in music and lyrics, which will bring much pleasure to the
Father.  God is calling for a new breed of worshippers to
arise.   They will carry the fire and fervency for a last day’s move
of God.   It is time for a new song and a new
dance.    It is imperative that we be willing to release the old
wine and embrace the new.

There is a new level of
grace that is being poured out on pastors in 2011.
God is putting a new emphasis on
the office of pastor.  In the last two decades the focus has been on
the emergence and establishment of both prophets and apostles.  This was a
necessary season in order to birth the prophetic and the apostolic to the
modern church.  This has caused insecurities and hurt to arise in pastors
as they have felt less important.  It is time for pastors to bathe in the
healing waters so that they in turn may pour out to the body of Christ for
greater ministry.

There is an adjustment
that is coming to the prophetic movement.
It will bring greater order and
clarification to the office of prophet.  Those appointed to the office
must receive acknowledgment and validation not only from God, but from the
remaining five fold ascension gifts of apostle, pastor, evangelist and
teacher.  God desires a working synergy to emerge from these
offices.   They cannot continue to exist independently from one
another, but must begin to function interdependently. As God brings greater order,
there will be an increase of prophetic revelation particularly in dreams,
visions and seeing into the spirit realm.  He is anointing our eyes with
eye salve so that we may see clearly and acutely.

As this war wages
between the kingdom of darkness and the Kingdom of God, there will be an
increase in natural disasters and anomalies, such as floods, hurricanes and
I remind you that “The earnest
expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of
God.” (Romans 8:19
It is the created crying out for God’s people to arise and advance the Kingdom
of God on the earth.  The earth is crying out for the rightful heirs to
establish their God given destiny and walk in the authority He has released!

For several years, I have had a
recurring vision of whirlwinds of fire igniting the United States with the
glory of God’s presence.  As the body of Christ rises in power and
authority, these pockets of fire will begin to erupt.  I see these
whirlwinds of fire begin to spread like a wildfire across the landscape. 
These pockets of revival fire are intended to be new and fresh.  God is
going to move as never before.  We should not be focused on trying to
resurrect past movements, but eagerly await a new move of the Holy
Spirit.  I hear the words, “Stop mourning what was and is no more, and
begin to expect something greater”.

As we look toward 2011, let us
prayerfully consider and evaluate our personal condition.  It is time to
put away offense, fear, insecurities and look to the healer who brings
wholeness.  Allow God to do the work in you that is necessary to make you
strong in the face of hardship.

in conclusion, here are seven practical things you need to focus on in 2011:

  • Get your finances in order
    and resist the temptation for more senseless debt.
  • Remain steadfast doing good
    and do not make major changes out of fear and uncertainty.
  • Keep your eyes focused on God
    and His promises, not your circumstances.
  • Beware of offense!
  • Begin to pray in greater faith with boldness that your prayers will bring about results.
  • Watch the new grace on pastors to lead, and get under their covering. Align yourself under established church government.
  • Live in expectation and anticipation for the next great move of the Holy Spirit.

May the grace, peace
and power of God be upon you as we move into the New Year. May 2011 be your best year yet!

About the author: Nicki Pfeifer is co-founder with her husband, Mark, of Open Door Ministries in Chillicothe, Ohio (, where they serve as senior pastors. They are also the founders of Mark and Nicki Pfiefer Ministries (, and Nicki is the founder of the Fire School of Prophetic Training, which
has locations throughout the U.S., Asia and Africa. A
recognized prophetic voice, Nicki is in demand as a speaker at
conferences in the United States and other countries.

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