Thu. Sep 19th, 2024
Barbara J. Yoder

Barbara J. Yoder
In April of 2006, during the worship service of a conference at which I was scheduled to speak, an unusual presence of God began to settle upon me. The heavier God’s presence became, the more caught up in a heavenly realm I was. I found myself in the middle of an IMAX or 3-D-like experience. It was as if I were in the middle of an action movie.

I saw an unusually large number of men coming toward me, dressed like rugged, ancient men. They were scruffy-looking, strong and muscular—almost scary—and were wearing animal skins. They had swords, clublike weapons, axes, bows and arrows, and shields. Many of them were on horses. The best way to describe them is to liken them to the army in the movie Braveheart. They formed a massive ancient army.

All of them were rushing toward me in attack mode. The army was so aggressive and intimidating in its advancement that I asked the Lord, “Are they for us or against us?”
He said to me, “They are for you.”

As soon as the Lord answered me, it was as if I were taken up into the sky to the altitude where jets fly. I looked down at the United States and saw that there were very few lights on anywhere in the nation. The whole nation looked like very rural or remote places I had flown over. There was one light here and another light there, far removed from each other.

However, as this army galloped across the nation, lights began to turn on in the places that the army was moving through. Furthermore, the lights remained on in the places they had already passed through. The lights increased in number until the cities and towns across the nation were completely lit up. It was as if a massive fire had been set that engulfed entire areas.

Going back to Earth, I saw that the galloping army was not deterred by anything; it galloped through walls, buildings, obstructions, fences—anything that stood in the way. Nothing slowed the men down or stopped them.

They were supernatural in strength and courage. There was no hesitation in them. It was as if someone had placed a computer chip inside of them that said, “Straight ahead; don’t stop or look back until you have reached the other side of the nation.” Billboards, buildings, skyscrapers and houses flew every which way as they galloped right through them.

The further they advanced, the more lit-up the nation was, until there were huge areas where the lights had become contiguous. What had been dark was now fully lit. I looked down on almost blindingly bright cities, towns and even rural areas.

The Lord said, “This is My army.”

When I first received this vision, I interpreted it spiritually. In other words, this was not a physical event but a spiritual one—one that happened invisibly but had natural results.

However, now that I have been observing the unfolding of current events both nationally and globally—both in the church and outside of it—I believe that the army I saw is one God is sending to level entire organizations or certain aspects of them, as well as various structures, corporations, governments, churches and so on that are not in line with God’s purpose or His nature and character. God is doing something brand new. He wants to fill us with Himself.

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