Chuck Pierce Prophesies for 2023: We Must Think Like Joseph to Prepare for Lean Years

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The news headlines in 2022 have been filled with gloom and doom forecasts. People write and speak of a shortage of this, there is a shortage of that, whether it’s diesel fuel or essential food products.

So, how are we to prepare ourselves for famine throughout our land?

Prophet Chuck Pierce says God has given us authority and has put us in strategic places that give us access to everything we need. However, Pierce says we must think like Joseph in the Bible so that we may survive in the lean times.

“Think about during Joseph’s time. There was seven years of fatness and there was seven years of drought,” Pierce told Charisma News in an exclusive interview. “What he did was to develop a strategy of 12 centers for administration of supply. And once he did that, then they were able to sustain through the drought ahead.

“You see, God gives us supply so that we have the provision we need to advance His kingdom. That’s what Deuteronomy 8:18 says. God says ‘I’m going to give you the power to get wealth.’ That means He’s going to make us like a chameleon who can change if necessary, to gain what we need to accomplish His covenant purposes. So, that is key for us as we advance into the season ahead.”

Pierce says that in 2022, we have already been involved in a significant war over supply lines. But, he says, God has given us the victory and “we can see from a higher place that they enemy does not have access to.”

“This year (2023) is about opening up new supply lines,” Pierce says. “So, we’re in this war over the supply for our future. But you want to understand that God has already given you the authority to multiply either what you have or to find new sources to multiply. So this year, when the warfare comes, it’s all about how will we fill the house with the supply that will sustain us in years to come.

“So, I want to encourage all of you to think multiplication, think creativity. Don’t let the world produce fear in you

For the rest of Chuck Pierce’s prophecy, watch this video interview with Charisma News’ John Matarazzo. {eoa}

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Shawn A. Akers is the online editor for Charisma Media.

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