Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Prophetic Insight: Do You Want to Fly Again?

There’s a recommissioning call coming to us, the body of Christ—a call to follow on to know the Lord like never before. “Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the Lord: his going forth is prepared as the morning; and he shall come unto us as the rain, as the latter and former rain unto the earth.” (Hos. 6:3, KJV).

Remember the miracle plane that landed in the Hudson River years ago? Upon takeoff, a flock of birds took out a couple of engines, and the plane had no place to land. Pilot Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger said those dreadful words no one ever wants to hear, “Brace for impact, we’re going down!”

He landed the plane perfectly on the water, or it would have exploded. Sullenberger was asked later, “Did you pray?”

“No, I didn’t have time to pray,” he said. “I think the passengers took care of that.”

The passengers moved quickly out on the wings of the aircraft, waiting to be rescued as it began sinking.

Here is what the recommissioning call looks like. This call often comes to God’s people down through the ages when a major malfunction takes place in the world, our nation or our own lives. It’s when our plane doesn’t land the way we thought it would, or when we’re offended by God Himself not doing what we expected Him to do.

This is where He calls us—one more time—to follow on to know Him.

I believe if we could hear the conversation of many standing on those wings. it would go like this, “That’s it for me. I will never fly again.”

But if they could hear the voice of the Lord at that moment, they would hear, “I am with you still. I am still with you, and the proof is you are still here, and you are standing on My wings. You are on holy ground.”

The truth is, when we are in a traumatic crisis, we are on holy ground, and something awesome is about to happen.

I have a gut feeling there is another conversation going with a few on those wings who are saying, “With a pilot like that, I will never be afraid to fly again anywhere.”

God is looking for a people who want to fly again in spite of the trauma they have been through or the hurt that says, “I will never love again.”

Another Plane Is Now Boarding

There’s another plane now boarding if you want to fly again and follow on to know Him. I am boarding this plane myself, simply because the pilot’s name is Jesus. Where He leads me, I will follow. He lands airplanes anywhere He desires.

“There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy place where the Most High dwells” (Ps. 46:4, NIV).

“After this many of his disciples turned back and no longer walked with him. So Jesus said to the twelve, ‘Do you want to go away as well?’ Simon Peter answered him, ‘Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life and we have believed, and have come to know, that you are the Holy One of God'” (John 6:66-69, ESV).

Whispers From His Wings

Sing unto God, sing praises to His name! Extol Him that rides upon the heavens by His name JAH, and rejoice before Him” (Ps. 68:4, KJV).

“There is none like God, O Jeshurun, who rides through the heavens to your help, through the skies in his majesty” (Deut. 33:26, ESV).

Dear friends, the question awaits us. Will we fly again? In spite of our plane of life landing in a river of trauma and us never wanting to fly again, here we are, still alive, standing on God’s wings. With a pilot like that, it’s a miracle moment.

Another plane is now boarding. Let’s fly again. {eoa}

Bill Yount has been a member of Bridge of Life Church in Hagerstown, Maryland, for the past 40 years and is in leadership. He faithfully served in prison ministry at Mount Hope Inc. for 23 years and now travels full time, ministering in churches and Aglow circles. He is currently an adviser at large for Aglow International. Bill has authored several prophetic books. His latest book is Handfuls of Purpose. Subscribe to his prophetic emails and visit Bill’s website at or email him at [email protected].

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