Thu. Sep 19th, 2024
Cindy Jacobs

We will win through worship. It is the key to triumph! There is a marriage of worship and activism taking place [that will cause] the church [to] march and sing, just as in the days of Martin Luther King Jr.

New battle hymns will be written along the lines of “The Battle Hymn of the Republic.” His truth is marching on, and there is a call for biblical truth through worship.

Worship will break open the heavens, and young people will heed the call to be “musicianaries” and go to the ends of the earth to start 24/7 houses of worship.

Great joy will break out in the midst of worship as God “laughs” at His enemies through His people (see Ps. 2; 149).

Great Conflict

For each kingdom advance this year we will see the enemy “pushing back” and stirring up conflict around us. Do not be afraid of confrontation and conflict. Fight intimidation. Run toward the Goliaths in your life, and remember that you are called to triumph in this year.

Activism will manifest as new armies of the Lord are being raised up. Find your place and let your voice be heard.

Over the next years in the United States a new, third political party will arise. The Lord is preparing His leadership for this party, which will come out of the citizens of the United States groaning under the corruption of the old guard. Many leaders are being tested and tried in the fire right now who will take leadership in due time, for it will begin not so much as a political party but [as] a movement. The movement will become a party in time.

Season of Transition

This is a season of transition for the body of Christ. For the United States, it will be a time of transition for either good or evil. The nation is on the “cusp” of remaining a civilization as we know it. It is up to this generation to see it go back to the original vision of our founders.

A woman has to dilate to 10 centimeters to give birth. The years 2010 and beyond will be a time of intense pressure but will result in the birthing of many new things.

God is also going to rearrange His people for the coming days’ work. There are some who will make sudden geographic moves. Others will transition in their jobs and careers. There will be special grace poured out upon those who are obedient to allow God to reposition His troops. For those who are not making a move but are seeing people that you love make changes, God will also help you transition into this new season and send new help for you.

Transition into the new season, get your vision and house in order. Make sure that you are properly aligned for the new battles ahead.

Be Prepared

Key Scripture passages: Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins (Matt. 25:1-13); Parable of the Talents (Matt. 25:14-30).

Rearrange and “rightsize” for victories and breakthroughs. Become more focused in your core purpose. Live a simpler life. Do not hoard what another person can use. This is the time to share and take care of each other. Make sure that the body of Christ can arise with the call of the bridegroom, as the five virgins who were ready [were able to do].

We must begin to think more as a community than simply as individuals. Put your house in order and arrange for the next season. Mobility is the key in the kingdom today. Many who are not rightsized will see the loss of buildings, lands and so on. If this has happened to you, God will help you begin again.

There is a season of pruning for growth. The pruning can, and at times will, seem painful, but trust that God is working all things together for your good.

About the author: The prophetic word above is a compilation of the prophetic releases and consensus of the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders (ACPE). It was distributed by Cindy Jacobs, co-founder with her husband, Mike, of Generals of Intercession ( and host of God Knows, a weekly television program on which she interviews leaders, teaches, prophesies and prays for the sick. Also founder of the United States Reformation Prayer Network (USRPN), Cindy is inviting individuals and leaders across the nation to join the Jacobs’ ministry in a national prayer initiative for 2010 named “Root 52”–a 52-week prayer strategy to bring the United States back to its covenant roots. For more information, go to

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