Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

A Word for Praying Prophets and Prophetic Intercessors

Prophetic Intercessors

God has been stirring my heart for those anointed by Him as praying prophets and prophetic intercessors.

A praying prophet is a prophet called by Jesus Christ (Eph. 4:11,12) whose primary assignment is prayer. Praying prophets will often teach and activate others to pray. They also demonstrate unusual spiritual authority within the context of prayer.

Similarly, a prophetic intercessor is one who loves to pray more than most people do. They are in tune to the Holy Spirit’s leading in prayer and are well acquainted with the burdens, mysteries and travail aspects of intercession. Prophetic intercessors also demonstrate a pattern of having significant answers to prayer.

The Prophetic Word

You’ve been faithful to the secret place. You’ve changed history on your knees. You’ve often been alone and misunderstood for doing what you truly love. You love to pray more than anything else. You live to pray and pray to live! You’ve chosen friendship with God over the friendships of others. His presence has been your reward and His presence has become your portion.

Your heavenly Father is bringing you into a change of altitude. You’ve prayed for friends, family members, people on the news, churches and pastors. You’ve prayed for teachers, principals, those in hospitals and for strangers. In all these things, God is well-pleased. He is now summoning you to the higher and more strategic places of prayer. You will receive specific instructions on how to pray for those of strong influence in the Earth. You will know timetables for nations and begin to usher in their new seasons. You will be tasked to prayerfully remove idolatry and establish the holy in the high places. You will be given heavenly classified secrets and details for intercession that will astound you. You will know that you know you’ve heard the Lord. You will experience an altitude shift. Your thoughts will shift. What you read and study will shift. Your perspectives will shift. You will see things from a higher level.

Please note: Physically sensitive intercessors might also experience this shift in their own body. Temporary symptoms could be tiredness and/or breathlessness—things commonly experienced while going up into higher altitudes. Your body will adjust as your spirit adjusts to your new horizons.

He is also bringing you into strategic partnerships and life-giving friendships with like-minded intercessors. He is reminding you that “Two are better than one … A three-fold cord is not easily broken” (Eccl. 4:9, 12). Angels are being sent out on assignment to bring these relationships together (Gen. 24:40). You will experience divine set-ups as He orders your steps to meet the ones He wants you to meet. There will be a knitting together of the souls. You’ll joyfully run with those able to run in the passionate arena of intercession.

A portion of you will be assigned a public face in public places. Accept this assignment and don’t hide from it. This is not you having pride, vanity or wanting selfish attention. It is the Lord’s doing. He is giving you grace to be a well-known face that deeply encourages others to keep climbing those higher altitudes.

In these higher and more strategic places, He will sow into you everything He intends to sow through you. Pay attention to the fresh patterns of thoughts, scriptures, teachings, visions, and words bubbling up inside of you. What’s feeding you, will also feed them. You will prophesy it, pray it, teach it and encourage others with it.

To the shamar* intercessors—the ones assigned to keep, watch and preserve in prayer—you will no longer be despised, ridiculed or disbelieved for seeing what truly lurks in darkness. Your eyes are blessed to see (Luke 10:23). People have fought against this blessing in you, but you’ve remained steady under persecution.

You’ve fought the good fight. You’ve kept the faith. God is releasing His wisdom and favor upon you. He is removing the negative labels placed on your back by those who secretly feared what you might know about them. Instead, you will be sought out, wisely utilized and no longer rejected for seeing what is in the dark. You are a watchperson and very needed in the body of Christ.

The gift of discerning of spirits is going to receive much emphasis, teaching and activation in the coming months and years. Praying prophets and prophetic intercessors, especially, will find themselves teaching, equipping and activating this gift in others.

Just as you’ve developed prophetically, you are also being given fluency for the gift of discerning of spirits, within the context of prayer. Through road-tested experience, you will skillfully explain this gift’s mysteries and reignite effective deliverance ministries in the nations; there is a call for deeper deliverance of people and deeper deliverance of the land.

The Holy Spirit is calling out for prayer in the night. Create the night watches. Raise the night hedges. Saturate the night seasons with your worship and intercession! Stand firm against the terror that wants to strike at night (Ps. 91:5). Cover the night hours with prayer.

Be ready to accept God’s specific prayer assignments as He sends you out to physical locations around the globe. Be prepared to board airplanes, trains and buses on divinely ordered journeys to places you’ve first heard about in a dream or a vision.

These intercessory assignments will not make sense in the natural, but are part of a strategic heavenly operation. It will seem highly inconvenient, especially the long nights, flights and extended travel. Jesus is asking His friends, the intercessors, “Will you go for Me?” And then He will give you the decrees, the prophetic acts and the angelic entourage to support you as you go.

For others, you will intercede powerfully in your own homes, on your own beds, inside your dreams. Some of you will be “spiritually transported” to specific locations within the dream realm. These kinds of dreams can feel exhausting! The Lord will give you His strength to intercede in this manner.

For example, I once had a dream that felt like it lasted for well over an hour. It was very intense. Jesus and I stood in the air over Afghanistan and began to sing over and over to the women wearing face-covering burkas. The song was this: “Come out from behind the veil. I want to see your face. I want to see your gaze. I promise you will not be ashamed.”

Before there ever is a revival, there is an intercessor. Praying prophets and prophetic intercessors are being sent out to intercede and deal with demonic hindrances that stop the flow of ministry. The apostle Paul had once expressed his frustration when he couldn’t go and minister to the Thessalonians. He said, “Therefore we wanted to come to you—even I, Paul, time and again—but Satan hindered us (1 Thess. 2:18).”

Praying prophets and prophetic intercessors are going to effectually deal with these satanic hindrances. Through prophetic intercession, they will cut through spiritual strongholds that withhold the gospel from darkened territories. They will build spiritual roads and highways so the Word of God can “travel in,” be released and run swiftly.

World harvest is on His timetable. World harvest will happen and the Earth is preparing to birth. Praying prophets and prophetic intercessors will activate in prayer and congregate in these places as a sign of what’s to come. They are the shout and the signal of upcoming harvest, revival and powerful new beginnings.

*Shamar is a Hebrew word meaning to keep, watch and preserve. {eoa}

Jennifer Eivaz is a vibrant minister and international conference speaker who carries the wisdom and fire of the Holy Spirit. She presently serves as an executive pastor with Harvest Christian Center in Turlock, California, and is focused on raising up a passionate and effective prayer community that is tempered with love and hears the voice of God accurately. Jennifer loves the presence of God and is a prophetic voice to her church and to others. Her teaching style is authentic and aimed at the heart, having been built on her personal testimony of God’s incredible goodness and miraculous display in her life and in the life of her church. Jennifer is a graduate of Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, Oklahoma. She is married to HCC’s Senior Pastor Ron Eivaz, and they have two children. She’s a featured writer for several online publications including the Elijah List and Charisma Magazine. She’s also written a book titled, The Intercessors Handbook.

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