Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

A Season for the Aarons and Hurs to Arise!

Aaron and Hur

The Aarons and Hurs
If you remember, it was Aaron and Hur who held up the arms of Moses as the Israelites fought against the Amalekites. You can read the entire story in Exodus 17. As you may recall, Israel was at war with the Amalekites, and as long as Moses held out the rod so all could see, the warriors became encouraged and would rise up with great faith for victory. Moses’ arms grew weary and his arms began to fall to the point that Israel could no longer see the rod extended. Therefore, the battle would turn in the favor of the enemy if they could not see Moses extending the rod!

Again—and it is important to visualize this—as long as Aaron and Hur held up Moses’ arms, the Israelites would gain an upper hand in battle. When Moses’ arms were weary from holding up the rod, the Amalekites would rise up with greater courage. Saints, what does this tell us?

First, that there are many leaders who need the Aarons and Hurs to rise up and hold up their arms. And secondly, this tells us today that many in the body who are called to hold up the arms of their leaders are under an evil assignment by the enemy. The enemy would like nothing better than to destroy those who are called to serve.

Please keep in mind that a leader in the body of Christ is not limited to a five-fold minister. A leader might be a Sunday school teacher, a praise team leader or a leader of any type of team. I also want to include marketplace ministers as part of God’s leadership team. One mindset that we must overcome is to believe that someone needs a pulpit in order to “lead” someone to Christ! (Now, leading someone to Christ, that’s what I call a leader!)

Doors of Opportunity
There are many doors of opportunity that are opening to us. This was part of my dream. The leaders need to lean more to Jesus for direction, but they must also have the Aarons and Hurs following them and encouraging them. These doors of opportunity could and very well may oppose religious doctrines and religious mindsets! We must be willing to allow the Lord to breathe afresh upon His Word and be expecting fresh revelation.

Saints, yesterday’s revelation will be breathed upon again to empower us for the season ahead! To believe that we “know it all” and “understand it all” right now is to remove ourselves from under the cloud of His glory!

It has always been amazing to me how much people desire to protect their doctrine, especially if it opposes a move of God. It is this author’s belief that my being “right” about something is not as nearly important as my doing the “right” thing for now. This means I must let go of what I “think” I know and be willing for the Holy Spirit to teach me something a little differently (maybe a lot different!). Either way, my connection to my destiny lies in complete surrender to Him.

Don’t allow a door of opportunity to pass you by! Be determined to go through the door that is planned for your future. Be willing to learn something new, go a different route, and enjoy new scenery along the way. He has His very best planned for you!

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart” Jeremiah 29:11-13 (NIV)

Allow me to pray for you: Father God, I want to specifically pray for every leader in the body of Christ and the Aarons and Hurs who are called to serve the body. I pray divine protection over each of them and that every plan You have for their lives would be fulfilled. I take authority over the Amalekite spirit and all religious spirits that would attempt to rob divine destiny. Lord, I pray that every door of opportunity will be accessed by each believer. Lord, continually remind us that we need to seek Your face and to hold You reverently in our hearts. I ask that the Holy Spirit would begin to speak clear directives to all who serve You in kingdom purpose. In the name of Jesus, Amen!

Sandie Freed co-labors with her husband, Mickey Freed, doing the work of the Lord as a ministry team. In addition, Sandie is the founder and director of the School of the Prophets and Apostolic Training Center in Bedford, Texas. Andie and Mickey have been married since 1973, and have one daughter, Kim Putman. Click here to email her.

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