Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

A Prophetic Word to Intercessors: Focus Your Prayers on America’s Roots

native Americans

For the Lord would say to the intercessors of His glory, “As you have partaken of My burden in prayer, the travail of your soul has not only risen as incense before My throne of grace, but also shaken the foundations of America. Do you feel the mountains tremble, the oceans roar, and the canyons echo in reply to your intercessions? For surely your prayers are sweeping over the mesas, blowing across the tall pines and gusting over the desert plains! Indeed, all of creation is responding to the prayers of manifest sons and daughters of the King.”

Yet the Lord says, “You must now focus your prayers on the roots of this nation. For even as the blood of Abel cried out from the land for redemption, the blood of Native America cries out day and night to Me from the ground. For in this dispensation of grace, My eyes are upon Native America. Those who bless them shall be blessed, even as I bless those who bless My chosen people Israel.”

“Though much of My church considers Native America to be little more than a mission field”, the Lord says, “I shall take those who have been lightly esteemed and use them to not only show forth My power, but also confound the proud. Poor in spirit, Native America has uncovered a secret of true wealth, and become a people from which much can be learned. Surely, I shall recompense them greatly with the riches of My glory that I shall pour out upon the land.”

For the Lord says, “Go to the roots of America and cry out day and night for the redemption, healing and deliverance of the native peoples. For even as I judged the gods of Egypt and led Israel into their promised land, I will judge the gods of this land and bring forth Native America in the power of My Spirit. They shall not wander in a wilderness, but will cross their Jordan River and lead America in conquest over the enemies of My glory.”

For the Lord says, “Native America shall no longer be viewed with disdain, but shall be healed and seen as My treasure in the land, for they are My delight and the joy of My heart. Indeed, the roots of this nation, the native people, shall become a tree of life and source of healing to this nation”, says the Lord.

Want to know more about the next great move of God? Click here to see Jennifer LeClaire’s new book, featuring Dutch Sheets, Reinhard Bonnke, Jonathan Cahn, Billy Graham and others.

Kay Winters is co-founder of Prepare the Way International, an itinerant prophetic ministry based in Phoenix, Arizona. Kay and her husband Rob’s mission is to prepare the way of the Lord by making straight in the desert a highway for our God, so that the glory of the Lord can be revealed in all of its fullness. Visit their website at

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