Thu. Sep 19th, 2024
Matt Sorger

Matt Sorger
The church is entering into a new season. Many are about to experience great restoration and harvest in their lives.

John 10:10 declares: “The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows)” (The Amplified Bible). It may feel as if the enemy has come in like a thief and tried to rob, steal, kill and destroy. But I have a word from the Lord for you:

The thief has been found out!

“But if he is found out, he must restore seven times [what he stole]; he must give the whole substance of his house [if necessary—to meet his fine]” (Prov. 6:31).

After you have discernment about where and how the enemy has been stealing from you, you can rise up and use the authority God has given you as a believer. When the thief has been discovered to have stolen something, he must not only return what he stole but also give back seven times as much. He must give his whole house away if necessary to pay back the fines he owes.

The devil has a lot of fines to pay! In addition to having to give back seven times what he stole from you, he is having to allow us to plunder his entire house.

If he has tried to put depression and heaviness on you, get ready for seven-fold joy. If he has tried to put sickness on you, get ready for seven-fold health. If he has tried to put debt and lack on you, get ready for seven-fold prosperity and provision. If he has tried to put fear and anxiety on you, get ready for seven-fold faith. If he has tried to put bondage and addiction on you, get ready for seven-fold freedom.

It’s harvest time! Lost years will be restored. God is a God of the second chance. He is about to restore to you the years the locust has eaten.

Some suffering is unjust. However, some of the suffering we experience is the result of bad choices we have made. Some of you today are reaping a negative harvest in your life because of bad seeds you have sown. When we make sinful choices, we are sowing negative seeds in our lives that will ultimately bring a bad harvest.

However, we serve a God of the second and third and fourth chance! If you will begin to sow good seeds in your life today, your harvest will change. God is in the restoring business, and many people are about to experience glorious restoration in different areas of their lives. We cannot always get back lost opportunities, but God is able to restore the years that were lost to you and cause the glory on your latter house to be greater than that on your former house.

Here is the word of the Lord for you in this new season:

Be glad then, you children of Zion, and rejoice in the Lord, your God; for He gives you the former or early rain in just measure and in righteousness, and He causes to come down for you the rain, the former rain and the latter rain, as before. And the [threshing] floors shall be full of grain and the vats shall overflow with juice [of the grape] and oil. And I will restore or replace for you the years that the locust has eaten—the hopping locust, the stripping locust, and the crawling locust, My great army which I sent among you. And you shall eat in plenty and be satisfied and praise the name of the Lord, your God, Who has dealt wondrously with you. And My people shall never be put to shame.
—Joel 2:23-26

It’s harvest time. Your threshing floors will be full of wheat, and there will be an overflow of wine and oil in your life. Wheat and grain always speak of harvest, and the wine and oil speak of the overflow and abundance of the anointing of the Holy Spirit in your life. Years that were lost during past seasons of wilderness wanderings are about to come back to you and be replaced by harvest and blessing. Some of you will even experience an extension of your lives as lost years are restored!

To begin your season of restoration right now, pray this prayer:

Heavenly Father, I humble myself and repent for any bad choices I have made during the years. I ask You to bring full restoration into my life and restore my lost years. May the glory on my latter house be greater than that on my former. I command everything that was taken from me and everything that was stolen from me to be restored, in Jesus’ name. I command the thief to repay seven times what he stole. In Jesus’ name, I command every fine to be paid, and I empty the storehouse of the thief! I command the thief to restore seven times everything that he has ever taken from me, in Jesus’ name. Father, I thank you for the abundant harvest and fresh anointing that is coming my way! In Jesus’ name, amen.

About the author: Matt Sorger is a prophetic revivalist who ministers the Word and the power of the Holy Spirit in conferences, prophetic healing revival services and miracle crusades throughout America and around the world. He also hosts pastors and leaders conferences to train and equip leaders in the power of the Holy Spirit. In his meetings, many are instantly healed and infused with greater passion for God. Learn more about him and his ministry at

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