Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Write Words of Life in Email

“God is not the author of confusion” (1 Cor. 14:33).

Do you write daily emails? If so, your goal is to communicate a directive, question or answer. Tips for better email writing:

  1. Think before you write. What is the purpose of the message? If you were speaking directly to the person (or people) on the TO: line, what would you say and how would you say it?
  2. Check the subject line. Is there more than one Re: ? If so, write a new subject line. Details get lost in long chains.
  3. Make sure your subject line lists all topics covered in your email. You will be thanked during search missions.
    1. Example:

“Thoughts about our project, question about the training, and Bill Smith notes.”

Subject lines for business email aren’t the place for click bait, humor or guessing games. Think search.

  1. Clarify exactly who the message is for. Use “Dear Sally” if you are writing to her. Let the those who are copied know the target of your email. Is the email really for everyone?
  2. Be clear about the action point you recommend. It’s probably the main message derived from the subject line.
  3. Text message abbreviations may work for texts. Use your words in email.
  4. Think before you click send. Is it better to call? Is it even better to speak face to face? If the topic is sensitive or complicated, it’s almost always better to pay a visit.

Less is more.

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