Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Many readers have told me they enjoyed my bullet lists and asked me to send more of those. So I will dedicate my future Friday newsletters to something new I’ve been working on.

Every Friday, I will share a list of good website links for your review. Expect a wide variety of content. I’ll always include at least one podcast show link that I think my audience would enjoy.

In addition, I will share a list of things I learned during the week that I think readers will value. (A newsletter must add value, right?)

Do you take time each day to note what you’ve learned? I started this practice at age 23 while working on my MBA degree. I kept daily 3×5 note cards. (My wife reminds me of my boxes of note cards every time we load a moving van.) I still note daily learning but collect my fireflies in journals.

I had a crazy idea to dig out a card and share it with you.

It is from February 1978. I pulled a card from the deck. I think it’s what Random Access Memory does in my computer.

I can barely read my scribble…

“Find gaps in the market with perceptual mapping. Look at what people want from the products they purchase. Put one factor on the X axis and one on the Y axis. Look for the gap quadrant. It’s the quadrant with fewest competitors and most unmet need.”

I Googled “perceptual mapping” for you. Here’s a link to “All About Perceptual Maps for Marketing”: (I use P-Maps for many areas of my life.) The subtitle suggests a nice benefit: “Easy Perceptual Maps.”

This is an especially good read if you are struggling to define your target audience.

I can’t end this message without suggesting you download and listen to an interview I had yesterday with Dr. Mark McDonough.

Find it on my “Greenelines” podcast at

This story rocked me. Dr. McDonough lived through a house fire at the age of 16. I won’t tell you more because I want him to tell you about it. He has gone on to be a successful medical doctor and surgeon. He truly understands pain and our medical system. He reaches deep in this interview and shares how the Lord has led him through difficult valleys. I felt the presence of the Lord throughout this interview. It is truly an inspiring podcast.

Next Friday, I launch “Learning and Links.” I know you’ll appreciate the bullets!

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