Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Real Talk Kim: 5 Hard-Hitting Truths to Help You Walk Through God’s Open Door

5 Things Real Talk Kim Shared on the Greenelines Podcast

1. Be unapologetically you. Stop trying fit into someone else’s box for you.

2. Just get up! GET UP. It’s time to let go of anything or anyone who keeps you down.

3. Walk in the “exceedingly abundantly” (Eph. 3:20). Why aren’t you? What is limiting you from God’s best?

4. God is opening big doors in your life. You can’t even pray for what He’s about to do for you.

5. Get around the right people. Stop hanging with people who limit what God is saying to you.

Listen to the podcast here:

Podcast with Real Talk Kim

Purchase her book here:

When Your Bad Meets His Good: Find Purpose in Your Pain

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