Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Rabbi Curt Landry Reminds America: ‘We Need to Be Found on God’s Side, Not a Party Side’

Our country stands today, Inauguration Day, as a land divided. We don’t have to look further than the headlines to see that division in areas of politics, religion, race and more. So where do we go from here? As believers, we look to the Lord, who often speaks through the Holy Spirit to our spiritual leaders for direction and discernment.

Rabbi Curt Landry shares some key biblical insights for a time such as this with Dr. Steve Greene on a recent episode of the Greenelines podcast. Landry recounts the story in Joshua 5:13 where Joshua asks the captain of the Lord’s army, “Are you for us or for our enemies?” (Josh. 5:13b).

“So he said, ‘No,'” Landry says. “Or he said, ‘Neither,’ depending on the translation, ‘but as the commander of the army of the Lord I have now come.’ And Joshua fell on his face and worshipped and said to him, ‘What does the Lord say to his servant?’ And the commander of the Lord of hosts said, ‘Take your sandals off your feet, for the place that you stand is holy,’ and Joshua did it.

“So I really think that we have to come to terms that as we pray—and we are talking about praying, and enduring and standing—we have to understand that the Lord is not for one party over another party, over one idea or another idea,” Landry says. “This isn’t about the Lord taking sides and fighting for one side and not the other side.

“Here’s the key,” Landry says. “Let’s say that it is the Lord, Jesus; Yeshua is the commander of the Lord of hosts in this. … but if that’s the case, then that means that the Word became flesh and dwelt amongst us. And God does nothing contrary to His Word. His Word is true.

“So if the Word is with the Republicans, then God is standing with that Word,” Landry says. “If the Word is with the Democrats, He’s standing with that Word.

“All I know is that when the battles come, we need to be found on God’s side, not on a party’s side. And we need to be biblically standing for righteousness. Because when the Scripture says, ‘Do My anointed ones no harm’ and ‘Do My prophets no harm,’ that is when they are speaking out what God wants and what God says. And so that’s the scenario that we’re in right now.”

For more wisdom from Rabbi Curt Landry about how Spirit-filled believers must respond in this critical hour, listen to the entire episode of Greenelines here. And be sure to subscribe to the Greenelines podcast for more inspiring and insightful stories. {eoa}

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