Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Change begins with a single act.

Our lives changed the moment we took one step toward Jesus.

But nothing happened until the step was taken.

For many of us, we seek change in an area of our lives but remain committed to doing things within our comfort zone. We want change, but we struggle to make a step.

Calvin Coolidge said, “We can’t do everything at once, but we can do something at once.”

I love the notion of “at once.”  It provides leverage for goal achievement.

“And they left their nets at once and followed him” (Mark 1:18, emphasis added).

“The believers acted at once, sending Paul on to the coast, while Silas and Timothy remained behind” (Acts 17:14, emphasis added).

“Standing at her bedside, he rebuked the fever, and it left her. And she got up at once and prepared a meal for them” (Luke 4:39, emphasis added).

How is the Holy Spirit asking you to “come” today?

Will you obey at once?

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