Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

I recently read a devotion from My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers. He said: “But God will not give us good habits or character, and He will not force us to walk correctly before Him. … To take the initiative is to make a beginning—to instruct yourself in the way you must go.”

The first principle a leader must teach about taking initiative is to make the first step. The hardest step is the first one.

We are a nation of steps—12 steps for this and 21 steps for that. The problem with steps is that many of us will skip to step 12 and start there. Step 12 is 11 steps too far.

Love-driven leaders should teach the importance of a good start. The first step creates momentum if it is properly supported.

I think one thing is certain about the process to achievement—if we skip steps in favor of a shortcut solution, we will lose the “best” of the process. If a process consists of foundational steps, when steps are skipped, the foundation is weakened.

Leaders must teach the importance of step one. Teach your team to take one action step immediately.

I believe the Lord expects us to move as soon as His Spirit draws us. Following the lead of the Holy Spirit is not a “wait until tomorrow” thing.

I believe God requires instant obedience. The Holy Spirit gives the nudge to take the first step—now.

Drawing nearer to Him requires a move.

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