Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Dr. Steve Greene’s 5 Things I Heard Last Week

1. High-wire aerialist Nick Wallenda sings worship songs and praises as he walks across places such as the Niagra Falls, the Grand Canyon, and the active Masaya Volcano.

Here’s a quote from Nik taken from my podcast with him:

“When I’m walking across Niagara Falls, I’m not looking at the heavy mist and the heavy winds and the wire moving underneath me. I’m looking at the solid rock that my wire is anchored to on the other side.”

Click here to listen to the podcast:

2. Dr. James Goll shared good practical ideas about journaling from his new book titled, The Scribe. He told my podcast audience “journaling is not a boring task. It is full of adventure and life.”

He told us that journaling has 3 different expressions:

  1. Devotional
  2. Revelatory
  3. Historical

Each style and format is significant to your devotional life with God and when used as a tool to retain dreams and visions. Journaling is also important for recording lessons from life.

Click here to listen to the podcast:

3. I heard a reminder last week of a long valued quote from E-Myth author, Michael Gerber: “You don’t rise to the level of your goals, you fall to the level of your systems.”  

It’s common to see and hear about someone’s pursuit of goals. Goals are important but systems and checklists are jet fuel. Spend more time focused on the checklists of specific things needed to impact goal achievement.

4. I heard a sweet analogy that reminded me I have little understanding of the depths of God’s love for us. Shanna Barberio wrote in her book, Heaven’s Frequency, about how she tried to explain her love for her children. She would tell her kids “you don’t even know how much I love you.” They would playfully banter back and forth about who loved whom and how much.

The teaching point is that we don’t have the intellectual capacity to understand the depths of God’s love. We still comprehend his love through a glass, darkly. The more we pursue Him, the more in-tune we become with His love.

Click here to listen to the podcast:  

5. I heard a story that reminded me that sometimes it’s a good thing to have an intentionally poor memory. Once when Clara Barton was reminded of a vicious deed someone had done to her years before, she acted as if she’d never heard of the incident. “Don’t you remember it?” her friend asked. “No,” came Clara’s reply. “I distinctly remember forgetting it.”

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