Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Dr. Steve Greene’s 5 Things I Heard Last Week

Here are 5 things I heard last week through podcast interviews, reading, and research that are worthy to be shared with you.

1. Kris Vallotton is a long-time senior leader at Bethel in Redding, CA. He’s written a book titled Spiritual Intelligence. If you want to grow in spiritual understanding of the things of God, this book will serve as core reading material. Here is one of the many, many takeaways I heard in our interview:

“In Ephesians, chapter four, verse 23, we find ‘be renewed in the spirit of your mind.’ And I’m like, the spirit of your mind? Oh, wow, look at this. We actually think tri-dimensionally. We think biologically and we think from emotionally from the soul. And we also think, from the spirit. And I started realizing, I don’t hear anyone talking about developing your spiritual intelligence. The emphasis is on developing your IQ and EQ, but there is also the SQ. How could I become more spiritually intelligent? That led to, you know, a 10-year journey of listening, learning growing, equipping, and activation.”

2. A golf athlete told me it takes 100 successful shots to build confidence. And it takes only one miss to lose confidence. I’m thankful that we serve a God who restores us when we miss. “Let us then come with confidence to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need” (Hebrews 4:16, MEV).

3. I heard about spaced repetition way too many times last week. I finally figured out why the Lord continued to ping me about it. As I set a goal to memorize all 16 verses of Psalm 91, I began using principles of spaced repetition to study the scripture. I love it when the Lord gives me an unction and then provides the method.

Think of spaced repetition as frequent testing. Rote memorization is highly ineffective for storing anything in long-term memory.

Here’s a link to an electronic version of flashcards. (Many study decks are available but it’s more fun to make your own decks).

ANKI makes memory a choice.

4. I heard Christina Perera speak with wisdom during our interview on my podcast. She is one to follow and catch her heart for Jesus.

“You know, I see one of the biggest challenges to evangelism as religion. I am not a religious person, but I am so passionately in love with a living, breathing, loving Jesus. There is a very big difference between the two. Religion keeps us from connecting.”

5. I heard many shouts of “Happy Birthday” last week. It’s a sweet blessing to receive even when I’ve heard it for a lot of years. My favorite part of the day is when former students call to speak to me and update me on their careers and life.

I was the wedding officiant of one couple who called and told me their first baby is due later in the month and that their careers are progressing with excellence. I suppose this is the greatest gift a teacher can receive. Former students tend to remember a class lesson to “give flowers to the living.”

I’m also truly thankful for the cake I received by mail, my office door decorated with photographs lifted from my Facebook page, and of course the gift of time spent with my colleagues, eating food I shouldn’t eat.

My last call of the day came late in the evening from Pastor Charles Green. I met him at age 17 and he spoke a word over me that impacted the direction of my life. I saw him one time in his church. Then again at the Memorial Service for Oral Roberts almost 50 years later. We’ve remained in touch since then and his calls usher me into awe. A 95-year-old pastor bookended my birthday with words of life.

My life replayed throughout the day in relationships past and present to fortify the why of ministry. Thank you, Lord, for the people on my path. I’m so grateful.

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