Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Dr. Steve Greene’s 5 Things I Heard Last Week

1. I was meeting with someone in a coaching session and she used the phrase, “He can find the bone in an egg,” to describe someone she admired.

Perhaps you have heard the phrase before but this was my first opportunity to hear it and it’s been on my mind daily.

We know the Father knows us from the womb. He knows all about our bones and what they will become. But there’s more about this expression that challenges me.

I believe Christians are called to love one another and see the great potential in one another. As we speak words of life, I can think of no better content than to speak about the good we see in others. 

There are more than enough list makers that tell us about our weaknesses and faults. We need more people to see the bones of potential and speak into it.

2. One day last week, I commented to someone that I was tired from a long week of producing content and executing strategies. What I heard next is something I need to hear every day:

 “You may be tired but you’re not empty.”

I’m thankful for a cup that overflows.

3. I’m always excited for the opportunity to interview Kimberly Jones. She’s an author, pastor, speaker, and full-time encourager in the faith. You may know her as Real Talk Kim (RTK). I have the blessing to interview her a few times a year. I always look forward to her because I know she will help my podcast audience in so many ways. She can say more in one breath that I can I offer with a 30-minute warm-up.

So I heard her tell me about a season in which she was allowing the Lord to help her reassemble her life:

“A majority of my life, I beat myself up. From the time I was in kindergarten when I could start rationalizing the difference between people, I would just always beat myself up. Then I was raised in this religion that basically taught me that women were just created to have babies. I became like a victim in my own story. And then I found myself jumping ahead of God, creating my own storms, and being mad at God every time it rained. And then when I was around 36 years old, I had to move back home with mom and dad because my 17 years of marriage ended. And I was devastated.”

If you are reading this newsletter and find your favorite hobby is beating on the image in the mirror, please listen to my interview with RTK here. Choose Change.

4. I heard about another miracle life transformation during my interview with former major league baseball star, Darryl Strawberry. Darryl hit 390 major league home runs during his highly successful baseball career. But he struggled mightily in his personal life and the Lord rescued him from a life of searching for answers to his never-ending personal hurt.

The Lord spoke to Darryl, long after he was saved and involved in ministry, about his bitterness toward his father who rejected him.

“I’m about to do Saturday men’s conference in California, and my father is in a hospital in San Diego. The Lord spoke to me on a Friday night to go to my father. ‘And I want you to never say anything to him about what he did to you, I want you to go to him. And I want you to repent to him, and ask him to forgive you for keeping you keeping him out of your life.’

“And I was like, ‘God, are you serious?’ And he was dead serious. And I called my wife (she’s a pastor) and she prayed over me. And she said, ‘You need to do what God says. If He’s spoken to you like that, you need to do what He’s called you to do.’ So I went there on Sunday. And as soon as I saw my father I said, ‘You know, the Lord has changed my life. And I just need to ask you to forgive me for me keeping you out of my life. Would you forgive me?’ And a big tear came down his eye. And he said, ‘Yes.’ And I just lost it.”

The best news in this story is that Darryl led his father to the Lord prior to his passing. I think you will enjoy this podcast. There are many stories to share.

5. Cindy Stewart told me a story of divine intervention as she was preparing to start her morning jog:

“I was at the park the other day. I’m sitting in my car, drinking my coffee about to go for a run. And there’s a young man doing push-ups but he’s got a boot on his foot. And I can feel the Lord leading me to go pray over him. I thought, ‘Well, I’m going to drink my coffee and I was going to go for a run, but yes, Lord.’

“I got out of the car. I began to talking to him. I asked him if I could pray for him. He was a believer. As I prayed, his foot got better and better and better. And he was like, ‘I can’t believe it.’ And God just made room for this miracle and I drank all of my coffee, and still got my run in.”

Don’t you love it when God interrupts our day with an interruption of healing?
If you don’t know Cindy Stewart (she’s on the Charisma Podcast Network), visit her website here and get to know her.

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