Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Divine Appointments Occur in Your Email

Most leaders approach list building as a “sometime” thing.

Before we get to the meat of this email, let’s be clear about how important list building is to your business or ministry.

If you don’t have a list, you don’t have a business or ministry.

Here’s a a quick test to check your commitment to growth:

How many people did you add to your email list yesterday?

The test is over. If you didn’t add names yesterday and every day this year, this newsletter is for you.

One more thing before the tutorial—the names on your list must all come from an “opt-in” tactic. People have willingly said, “yes, I want your emails.”

If you are grabbing email addresses from websites or visitor information cards, it’s a list of sorts but not the kind that helps you build your business.

The list that matters most is the one that consists of people in your target market who want to learn from you. They opt-in to your list because they know you or know your content. You struck a chord. They want more.

One more time… they opt-in to your list because you add value to their lives. We must find people who value your message and content.

List-Building Tutorial

I teach a spiritual approach to list building. There are thousands of gurus online and YouTubers who teach list building. If you learn list-building from a secular teacher, what type of list do you think you will have?

Most of my readers produce spiritual content. Our work is meant to advance principles of kingdom living. Spiritual content offers life-giving words.

We begin our list building with prayer.

“Lord, send what You have given to me to people who need it. May Your gifts through me equip the saints. Send in the people You gifted me to help. Help me to do this in a way that glorifies You.”

  1. Who do you want to attract to your list? Define your audience as narrowly as possible. Are they like the people who have responded to your message in the past? Do you have a divine appointment with this audience?
  2. Write an anointed e-book (five pages), info sheet (sources of help), or a list (perhaps a list of Scriptures that address the need with your personal commentary. Don’t try to write an exhaustive list. Write a note to a friend in need.) People in need don’t need a Bible scholar—they need your path to help.

    This product is called a magnet. Use it to draw people to you.

  1. Position your magnet on your web site (or landing page). Be sure to place it before the scroll point near the promise of your message.
  2. If you use social media, direct people to your sign-up form on your web page.
  3. If you use business cards, hand out a card to tell people how to get your sign-up sheet. I don’t care how simple your URL is—put it on your business card and direct people to opt-in to your list. (Yes, build your list with hand-to-hand contact—in addition to your online work.)

That’s all for today. I will keep teaching similar methods in future newsletters. If you are in a hurry to build your list, reach out to me and ask for help. You can email me at [email protected].

Remember the goal: Add people in need to your list every day.

Would you like for us to do it for you? We can help you connect with our audience and GUARANTEE to add names to your list every day.

Click here to learn about our “Guaranteed Email List-Building” service.

PS Ask this question every time you brush your teeth: “How many people did I add to my email list today?”

PSS The most important thing you can do to build your list is to add value in every email you send. Outrageous value.

If you missed yesterday’s newsletter on crystallizing your message, click here to read it.

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