Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

It’s hard to “be in the moment” when we are thinking about the moment that comes next.

Do you ever find yourself anxious to finish one meeting because the next meeting is about to start? Do you feel your day is overprogrammed? Do you end a day wishing you could have spent more time with someone you barely engaged?

I often reminded college students to enjoy their time in the classroom because it would end soon enough. Most students were focused on “What must I do to graduate?”

I asked them to be in class with more than their physical presence. “Wherever you are, be there! Don’t chase the end of the semester. It will arrive soon enough.”

I think about how present Jesus was with people. When He looked into someone’s eyes, time stood still. He made people feel His compassion for them.

It wasn’t just His words that made an impact. He seemed to influence others with His eyes. People dropped whatever they were doing so they could follow Him.

He seemed to care deeply about whoever He was with. He focused on the one in front of Him or within the sound of His voice. He knew when one had pushed through a crowd to touch His garment.

Even now, we seek His presence. His sheep know His voice and want more of it. We would gladly touch His garment.

I believe we please the Lord when we receive each other in His name. As we honor one another with our time, we give our scarcest commodity.

We need not chase time. We must embrace it.

Bless someone today with your undivided attention.

“Whoever receives one of these children in My name receives Me. And whoever receives Me receives not Me, but Him who sent Me.” (Mark 9:37)

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