Prophetic Prayers for the Middle East Crisis

For more than a decade I have been declaring in many gatherings in many cities of the Earth: “While all eyes would be on Iran, watch Syria. Iran will pose a great threat, but the imminent danger to Israel and the entire Middle East would arise out of Syria.” I have warned of chemical and biological weapons being stored up in this rogue nation and how they would attempt to export them to their puppet regime of Lebanon. I have seen a terror that would emerge out of Syria—and now it is right in front of our eyes in ISIS. I have seen this multiple times in dreams over the years. But I also believe that prayer changes things! It is time to take a stand!

Sometimes I have grace and faith to pray that what I see does not occur. Sometimes I sense grace to intervene. Other times, like many of you, I have called forth the “Shields of the Lord to Arise” and protect Israel. At one point I called forth for 91 Days of Prayer for the Homeland Prayer Initiative to protect the borders of the United States of America. Sometimes I have sensed things are “out of God’s appointed timetable” and to call forth angels from heaven into the earthly realm to hem in the demonic enemy. Sometimes I sense the clock is ticking according to God’s prophetic calendar and in the midst of turmoil, His purposes are coming forth. It takes discernment to pray properly!

A Pivotal Time in My Prayer Life Journey

In the fall of 1987 an angel of the Lord visited me and declared to me that times of great distress would come to the Persian Gulf. In that angelic visitation, when we lived in south Kansas City, Missouri, I was given the exact dates of both Gulf War invasions in 1991 and 2003. I was assigned by the Lord to be a “Crisis Intercessor” for the entire month of February 1991 when there would be a “ground engagement” in the land of Iraq. I took my place and I did my part along with others around the world. It started on February 1st and ended on February 28th.

Later, I saw in the Spirit that Syria would conspire a scheme of invading the Golan Heights as things would heat up and temporarily go “out of control in the Middle East.” Years ago the Holy Spirit spoke to me about the fall of 2013 and how things would heat up and spill over into an eruption in 2014 and potentially till 2020. I have meditated on Psalm 83 where it says, “The nations will conspire to wipe Israel off the face of the earth to be remembered no more.” I have written and spoken on Psalm 83 for the past decade. Like many of you, I have logged many personal hours over the years being up the middle to night to “watch to see what the Lord would speak.”

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