Prayers Against the Rising Evil in the Middle East

Egypt—Region of Refuge and Revival

James reiterated again and again the importance of praying for Egypt—for awakening, for God’s blessing in the country’s government and economy. I couldn’t agree more. Fuel their beginning revival with more prayer! James has seen reoccurring dreams of Coptic Orthodox priests (and other Christian leaders) coming under an anointing of gifts of healing and workings of miracles and a national revival coming to Egypt. 

Could this be a key to the future in birthing God’s Isaiah 19 prophetic movement in the midst of these very challenges? Could pieces be falling into place? Time will tell!

Pray for Believers in Mideast

James noted that they are now being subjected to a level of evil that has not been seen in the earth in 70 years since Nazi Germany and the Holocaust. This evil must be stopped—for their sake and ours. We must pray for our brothers and sisters!

Need a reality check? I strongly suggest reading The Auschwitz Escape by Joel Rosenberg. No way you’ll miss the parallels to today.

Praying for Port Cities—Shut the Gates of Sabotage!

James also recalled a prophetic word given to him while in Jerusalem years ago concerning the significance of worship, prayer and high praise being raised up over America’s places of “origin and places of birth.” Perhaps last summer’s Glory Procession on the east coast of the U. S. has been a partial fulfillment of this word. 

We specifically need to continue in prayer and close the gates to the enemy in seaports across the nation. Lets shut the gates of sabotage!

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