Sat. Oct 5th, 2024
Keep on believing for your dreams.

Do you have a dream you believe is from the Lord that has yet to come to pass? Perhaps you have even lost hope that it will ever happen.

The process involved in dream fulfillment can cause even the stoutest of souls to lose heart at times. But make no mistake, the process begins and ends with God. God is a giver of dreams, and any dream He gives, He will watch over to fulfill as you are obedient to Him. In the process, He refines your character so that you are able to steward the fulfillment in a way that honors Him. This may take longer than you might desire, but hold onto hope.

Today I want to give you three keys that will help you stay strong in the journey: Trust, dwell and commit.

Lessons From the Life of Joseph

“God gave me another dream!” 17-year-old Joseph exclaimed to his 11 brothers as they gathered in the early morning light before heading out to their day’s tasks. “Let me tell you about it.”

The brothers glowered at their youngest brother. Already they disliked him more than ever. “This egotistical kid is getting on my nerves,” muttered Levi. The men shifted restlessly as Joseph told them some farfetched dream about 11 stars, along with the sun and moon, bowing down before him reverently. It sounds like he thinks he’s not only our father’s favorite son, but God’s favorite too. Just last week he had that other dream about sheaves of grain bowing to him. … For the most part, the older brothers kept their resentful thoughts hidden, but they began to consider ways to shut up young Joseph for good.

And by the end of the month, they had eliminated him from the family—or so they thought—and now his arrogance would never trouble them again. This is what happens to self-aggrandizing dreamers, they reflected bitterly as they drove the family’s flocks home from Shechem, Reuben carrying Joseph’s bloody coat to their father Jacob, along with the bad news about his apparent demise from an attack of a wild beast.

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