James Goll: Jesus Is Coming to Flip Over the Tables

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This week, the Holy Spirit’s voice has been whispering to me about the release of Holy Spirit entrepreneurs. This theme is a bit surprising to me, and yet very important for the times in which we are living.

The Holy Spirit has taken me to a set of scriptures that I have prophesied and taught about for years.

The theme verses come from Mark 11:15-17 (NKJV) where Jesus is cleansing the temple. “They came to Jerusalem. Then Jesus went into the temple and began to drive out those who bought and sold in the temple, and overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those who sold doves. And He would not allow anyone to carry wares through the temple. Then he taught saying to them, ‘Is it not written, “My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations, but you have made it into a den of thieves.”’”

Now, I must backtrack in some history with you. Around 50 years ago, the Holy Spirit gave me my very first prophecy.

The word was, “As it was in the last week of the last days of Jesus’ earthly ministry, He went to the Father’s house, and He cleansed the temple. So will it be in the last week of the last days of His ministry in the earth by the Holy Spirit. He will come once again to visit the Father’s house and He will cleanse His temple.”

In other words, He would do exactly the thing that is written in His Word. So that is a context of an initial prophetic word backed up and based in Scripture.

Turning the Tables Begins Now

This last week, the Holy Spirit started speaking to me about how we are now entering into what He spoke to me all those years ago. We’re entering the fulfillment of those words, but there’s a twist on it that I wasn’t expecting.

He told me, “Jesus is coming to flip the tables over in the temple. It’s about exposing manipulation in every sphere, not just in the temple. He’s coming to expose manipulation in every sphere that works towards selfish and sordid gain, especially opulent living while not remembering the poor, the widow, the orphan and even those in the household of the faith.”

Now I think that we all could agree easily on that, but here’s what became intriguing to me. I felt that the Holy Spirit was saying to me, “this begins now.” What I heard, 50 years ago, begins now and it’s going to begin by exposure of manipulation. Not only in the “church mountain,” but in every mountain!

Manipulation is going to be exposed in every sphere—exposing sordid gain, particularly when dealing with raising money for a specific, designated purpose and then instead using it for opulent living when it is supposed to be used for the poor, the widow and the orphan.

Now, but here’s what was fascinating. The Holy Spirit also said, “But here’s the Good News. I’m flipping the tables over in the house because I want this taken outside the house.”

What needs to be taken outside of the house? The money changers.

He spoke to me, “The money changers can be good, but they need to be taken outside the house. I just want the house to be clean.”

For me, this was a new and unusual word.

It was like He was saying to me, “here’s the Good News. I’m flipping over the tables because I want this skill and this anointing taken outside of the house—for the house—but outside the house. Take it outside the house to keep the house clean.”

Entrepreneurs and Wealth Creation

“There’s a fresh and unusual anointing for entrepreneurship and multitasking. There’s a correction coming on the teaching of wealth transfer. It is not about pick pocketing, but a creation of wealth.”

In essence He is saying, no, it’s not a Robin Hood, pick pocketing anointing. He’s bringing correction to the teaching and application of wealth transfer. It is not about taking from those who have wealth and transferring their riches to the church.

1. “An exchange taking place. There’s a changing of garments taking place for many.” Some who have worn the priestly garments are now going to go outside of the house and put on marketplace garments. They are going to create wealth and be prosperous in it.

Some of you are getting this right now. Study the life of Joseph and how Joseph wore many different garments. Some of you know you have been called to be a Joseph, but what you haven’t understood is that there’s a requirement of wearing many different garments.

2. “Corrective inventions! You’re one tweak away from an old concept coming into new reality.” There is a correction to inventions that are already in your lane, already in your mind, that you’ve already been working on and some of you have given up on them. That should encourage some of you. You’re only one tweak away from the old concept actually coming into reality.

3. “Mompreneurs. There is a grace and anointing for Mompreneurs to arise.” You know how to stretch a buck, you know practicality, you know creativity. And I want to encourage you, there is a grace. The Holy Spirit said the release of “Holy Spirit entrepreneurs” and a whole class or category is “Mompreneurs.”

That’s how this word was spoken to me.

For the rest of this prophetic word, visit godencounters.com. {eoa}

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Dr. James W. Goll is the founder of God Encounters Ministries. He is an international bestselling author, a certified Life Language Coach, an adviser to leaders and ministries and a recording artist. James has traveled around the world ministering in more than fifty nations sharing the love of Jesus, imparting the power of intercession, prophetic ministry, and life in the Spirit. He has recorded numerous classes with corresponding curriculum kits and is the author of more than fifty books, including “The Seer,” “The Prophet,” “The Discerner,” “The Lost Art of Intercession” and “Praying with God’s Heart.” James is also the founder of GOLL Ideation LLC, where creativity, consulting, and leadership training come together.

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