James Goll Issues Urgent Call to Pray for Those in Authority

Praying and Voting
Voting is to prayer as works is to faith. We are to demonstrate our faith by our works or corresponding actions. You can do more than prayer after you’ve prayed. But you cannot do more than pray until you’ve prayed. We do not choose between the two as though they are conflicting purposes. No! We pray, get informed and then put feet to our faith—and vote!

Let me close this out with a simple and urgent appeal as voters in the United States of America head to the polls this week for our national elections. Pray that righteousness prevails. Pray and vote for those who take a stand for life, who stand with the biblical view of marriage and take a firm stand with Israel. This election is not just about the economy or international affairs—as important as those subjects are. These elections, like few others, are about righteousness ruling in our land.

Pray for righteousness to prevail!

A Heartfelt Prayer for People in Authority
While we each have special prayer assignments, we are all called to pray for people who are in authority (review 1 Timothy 2:1-4 from above). It is God’s heart! It is God’s Word! It is God’s command! Let’s tune in to God’s heart, praying for leaders and issues that concern them.

Father, in accordance with Your Word, we pause and pray for kings and for those in authority. We bring before You the one who is the president of the United States at this time. We pray that You will raise up godly counsel around the president’s life, and we pray that the voices of advisers that are based on an unbiblical framework will be silenced.

We ask You to provide wisdom like that of Solomon, as well as purity, protection and safety. We release the knowledge of God’s will with all spiritual wisdom and understanding. We also pray for our governors [name your state governor] and for our members of congress on the national and state levels. We pray for those in authority in the judicial system, especially the nine Supreme Court justices of the United States (and your nation wherever it may be). We bless them in the name of the Lord of Hosts.

We pray that all of those in authority would realize and recognize their personal inadequacy to fulfill their role and that You would release to them a revelation of dependency upon God. We pray that You would reverse the trends of socialism and humanism in this nation—all trends that deify man rather than God.

Lord, as this nation and different nations go into critical times of elections, we call forth those who are truly appointed by You. Let them rise to the top with favor, as cream rises to the top of the milk. Give them a voice that will be heard. Release favor to righteous men and women and to those who are humble, to those who are wise and have revelatory activity upon their lives; release them into positions of influence and impact and authority.

We pray for priorities to be released, revelation to come of the honor of being a public servant. We pray that there would be reliance upon the Word of God, the will of God and the ways of God as the source of daily strength, wisdom and courage. We pray that there would be a restoration of dignity and honor, trustworthiness and righteousness in the land.

We pray for our spiritual leaders. We pray for our pastors, our apostles, our prophets, our evangelists and our teachers. We pray blessings and protection over them. We pray for purity. We pray for the quality of life in their families.

We bless those in authority this day and we declare that this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior who desires all men and women to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth. We thank You, in Yeshua’s great name. Amen.

Join with me across the nations of the earth in prayer for the national elections of the U.S.A. What happens in the United States affects the entire world; so let’s join together for righteousness to prevail for such a time as this.

James W. Goll is the president of Encounters Network, director of Prayer Storm, and coordinates Encounters Alliance, a coalition of leaders. He is director of God Encounters Training, an e-school of the heart, and is a member of the Harvest International Ministries apostolic team. James is the author of numerous books and has also produced multiple study guides and hundreds of audio and video messages.

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