Fri. Sep 20th, 2024
Praying the Word of God is powerful. Here's an in-depth guide to tapping into the power of Scripture in your prayer life.

Ponder the Truths—Reflect on the truth of the Word; brood over the truth of the chosen Scripture; absorb it, soak in it, as you turn it over within your heart and soul. By all means, internalize and personalize the passage. Let the Word of God speak to you!

Pray the Word—This is now one of my favorite parts of the process. Take the truths, which the Holy Spirit has illuminated, and now pray them back to God, whether in petition, thanksgiving, intercession, spiritual warfare or declaration. I often sing my Scripture-based prayers back to God. It adds oil to the entire dynamic.

Praise Him!—Worship the Lord for who He is, what He has done and how it has been revealed in Scripture. Offer thanksgiving and the sacrifice of praise. Meditation ought always to lead us into adoration and celebration of the personhood of God Himself.

Practice His Presence—Commit yourself to doing what the Word of God commands. The aim of inspirational reading of the Word of God is transformation. The ultimate aim of Scripture-praying is pleasing God, fellowshipping with Him and obedience (see Josh. 1:8; Ps. 119:11).

Keeping It Simple


  1. Think on these things.
  2. Ponder deeply.
  3. Behold the rich love of God.
  4. Muse on the works of His hands.
  5. Meditate.
  6. Consider.
  7. Let the mind of Christ be in you.
  8. Set your mind on things above.
  9. Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly.


The Benefits of Scriptural Meditation

  1. You gain insight and instruction of truth (Ps. 119:99, 2 Tim. 2:7).
  2. You get a positive outlook on life (Ps. 104:34).
  3. You deepen your love for the Scriptures and God (Ps. 119:97).
  4. You become prosperous as you apply the insights gained (Josh. 1:8).
  5. You grow and become stable in the Christian life (Ps. 1:2,3; John 15:4).
  6. You develop a strong prayer life (John 15:7).
  7. You are motivated to ministry (1 Sam. 12:24; 1 Tim. 4:15).
  8. You are motivated to repent and live better (Ps. 39:3, Rev. 2:5).
  9. You find the peace of God (Phil. 4:8-9).
  10. You get a clear focus to guide you in making decisions (Matt. 6:33, Col. 3:2).
  11. You focus your life on Christ (Heb. 12:3, 1 John 3:1).
  12. You worship God in His majestic glory (Deut. 4:39).

Pray Without Ceasing

The Blessings of Scriptural Praying

  1. Divine Protection: Psalm 91:1
  2. Heart’s Desire: Psalm 37:4
  3. Joy of the Lord: Psalm 104:34
  4. Peace of God: Isaiah 26:3
  5. Overcoming Anger: Psalm 4:4
  6. Overcoming Fear: Deuteronomy 7:17-19
  7. Overcoming Sin: Psalm 119:11
  8. Renewed Mind: Romans 12:2
  9. Stability: Psalm 37:31
  10. Wisdom: Psalm 49:3


Getting Comfortable With God

Many of us struggle with resting and waiting in God’s presence, perhaps because we think He has something against us or we are just too busy. While He calls us into change, He does so by wrapping His arms of love all around us. God delights in hug therapy.

This might take some time before you learn to trust that the best place to be is in your Father’s arms. But this will happen. Why? Because He is more committed to the journey than you are! So come on in and commune with Him. Encounter Him. He is waiting for you.

Let This Be Our Prayer

“Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord; seeing that His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness, through the true knowledge of Him who called us by His won glory and excellence. For by these He has granted to us His precious and magnificent promises, so that by them you may become partakers of the divine nature” (2 Pet. 1:2-4).

Our Father, in the majestic name of Jesus, I declare that I to know You as intimately as You know me. Draw me nearer, nearer, nearer, precious Lord, to Your ever-loving side. Identify the hard places in my heart and send forth Your Word, which shatters every rock. Give me a greater hunger for the written and living Word of God. By the ministry of the Holy Spirit and Your great grace, and by the power of the shed blood of the Lamb, set me apart and make me wholly Yours. I declare that the chief end of my life is to glorify You and enjoy You forever! Amen and Amen!

James W. Goll is the founder of Encounters Network and Prayer Storm. He has written over 50 books and study guides and taken the power, presence and love of God to over 50 nations. Visit for more information.

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