Author name: The Israel Project


Israel Opens Field Hospital in Japan

japanquake2Israel has opened a field hospital in the Miyagi district of Japan, one of the areas worst hit by the March 11 earthquake and subsequent tsunami. The delegation includes 50 medical staff from the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) Home Front Command and Medical Corps.

An opening ceremony was held on Tuesday and included a moment of silence for all those affected by the catastrophe. The number of missing or dead in Japan has now reached over 28,000.

The first patient at the new clinic, treated for suspected broken ribs, was Minamisanriko Mayor Jin Sato. He was examined by the commander of the medical team, deputy to the IDF Chief Medical Officer, Col. Dr. Ofir Cohen-Marom.

600 U.S. TV Spots Focus on Peace in Middle East

The Israel Project (TIP) will begin airing a television ad campaign that focuses on the need to teach peace on both sides and to peacefully stop Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. Three ads will air May 2-5 in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area. By the end of the week, the commercials will have aired more than 600 times on CNN, CNN’s Headline News, Fox News and MSNBC.

“Today we celebrate Israeli Independence Day and it is a time to focus not only on the tremendous achievements but also on the ongoing threats to Israel’s existence and what can be done to move towards a better future,” commented Jennifer Laszlo Mizrahi, Founder & President of The Israel Project. “I believe there is no question that teaching peace and tolerance to children as Israel does as an official part of their curriculums is paramount. I only hope that Palestinian leaders will adopt this model and stop teaching hate so that together we can work toward a common more peaceful future.”

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