Author name: Terry Crist


Don’t Fear Transition

woman-sleepy-toddlerChange is not simply a season in our spiritual journeys; it is a process we undergo for the whole of life.

her labor pains intensified, I watched in amazement as my typically
sweet-natured, mild-mannered wife took on the appearance of Sigourney
Weaver in Alien. In one startling moment her peaceful
appearance was replaced by a taut jaw, steely eyes and the bark of a
drill sergeant preparing young soldiers for the battle of their lives.
The thin line of sweat that had formed on her brow began to pulsate in
rhythm with her temples.

wanted to run for my life, to get as far away from this frightening
creature as I could. But the next moment she was back to normal—normal,
that is, for a pregnant woman about to give birth.

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