Author name: Teresa Shields Parker

Why Love Shouldn’t Upset Your Health Journey

What should we do when our loving husband brings us our favorite candy and we have committed to not eating sugar? As a Christian weight loss coach, I’ve heard from many wives who are afraid of hurting his feelings if she tells him she doesn’t want that any more. She’s afraid of rocking this love …

Why Love Shouldn’t Upset Your Health Journey Read More »

Don’t Blame Your Lack of Discipline on Your Family

My family won’t eat healthy. This is an excuse that I understand, and yet I think it is one of the poorest excuses. When we are blaming our bad eating habits on our families, we place all the responsibility for what we’ve done to ourselves on them. That is not fair to them. Blaming our …

Don’t Blame Your Lack of Discipline on Your Family Read More »

A Big Excuse That Shuts Down Our Ability to Hear from God

One of the biggest excuses we have is that we somehow feel God doesn’t speak to us. This excuse shuts down our ability to hear from Him, trust Him and surrender to Him. All three things are integral when we are trying to change our habits, lose weight, get healthy and follow God’s plan for …

A Big Excuse That Shuts Down Our Ability to Hear from God Read More »

How the Holy Spirit Can Restore Your True Sanity

Most of my life I tried to avoid one thing—being crazy or insane. When I was growing up my mother had emotional issues and saw a psychiatrist regularly. She was on medication which only seemed to make her mood swings worse. She had high highs, and low lows. When I asked my dad what was wrong …

How the Holy Spirit Can Restore Your True Sanity Read More »

Another Huge Lie: Food Will Protect You From This Abuse

There is a major fallacy that keeps many stuck in super, morbid obesity. That is that overeating our favorite foods will protect us from the kind of men that might want to do us harm. For those who have been sexually abused this becomes a major excuse for overeating. They say, “I can’t lose weight …

Another Huge Lie: Food Will Protect You From This Abuse Read More »

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