Author name: Stormie Omartian

gift package

Learning to Receive God’s Gifts

gift packageOut of the riches of his love flows every spiritual blessing and reward. How do we obtain what he’s promised us?

Years ago I gave my young daughter, Amanda, a little
jewelry box with a tiny ballerina that danced when the lid was open. I
put a small piece of jewelry that she had been requesting for a long
time inside the box.

When she opened the gift and saw the jewelry box, she
squealed and remarked on every detail. “Oh, Mommy, this is so
beautiful! This is the prettiest box I’ve ever seen.”

Breaking Family Ties

Breaking Family Ties

Breaking Family TiesHow your prayers can Destroy generational Strongholds


We all know we can inherit our mother’s
eyes, our father’s nose, or the color of our grandmother’s hair. But did
you know that we can pick up character qualities from our parents, such
as a bad temper, a propensity for lying, depression, self-pity, envy,
unforgiveness, perfectionism and pride? These and other characteristics
that have a spiritual root can be passed along from our parents to us,
and from us to our children. In a particular family there may be a
tendency toward such things as divorce, infidelity, alcoholism,
addiction, suicides or depression all mistakenly accepted as “the way I

The Bible talks about the influence our
parents can have on us. It says God will visit “the iniquities of the
fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those
who hate Me” (Ex. 20:5). This Scripture is referring to people who don’t
walk in a loving relationship with God. However, a parent who is a
believer and loves God can still choose to sin. And his sin will
profoundly affect his children.

Woman praising

Laying Hold of Your Purpose in Prayer


you ever have times when your life seems out of control? Do you ever
feel pressured and fear you are missing out on a certain quality of life
because your days are so busy?

you worry that you are neglecting one or more areas of your life
because you are trying to fill numerous roles and meet endless
expectations? I’ve experienced that too.

Have you ever felt as if you are stuck in one place and are going
nowhere? Or worse yet, have you ever felt as if you are going backward?

The Power of Praying Together

When you join with others in the prayer of agreement, the results are dynamic, and the bond is eternal.

was something I suffered with for many years. As far back as I can
remember I struggled every day to find a reason to live—a reason to get
out of bed—a reason for my very existence. The first decision I had to
make each morning was, “Should I kill myself now or can I make it
through another day?”

Yes, I had been to psychiatrists but the
medicine they prescribed didn’t help me. In fact, taking it made me feel
even more hopeless about my situation. If that was the best medical
science had to offer, then what hope did I have of ever getting better?

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