Author name: Steve Strang

Chuck Pierce Prophesies: The End of America as We Know It Is Near

Chuck Pierce, who has a strong track record in prophetic ministry, predicted years ago that China would become a world menace. Pierce now has very disturbing news about the future of the United States as we know it. Pierce has written several books on prophecy, including The Passover Prophecies (Charisma House 2020), Releasing the Prophetic …

Chuck Pierce Prophesies: The End of America as We Know It Is Near Read More »

Jonathan Cahn to Bring Prophetic Message, Wake-Up Call for America to 800 Movie Theaters

Six-time New York Times bestselling author Jonathan Cahn is getting ready for his May 12 movie theater event, The Harbingers of Things to Come. The one-night-only theatrical release will appear in 800 theaters nationwide. I sat down with him recently to ask what he hoped to accomplish with his new movie. “We are witnessing America …

Jonathan Cahn to Bring Prophetic Message, Wake-Up Call for America to 800 Movie Theaters Read More »

How Political Operative Roger Stone Was Saved by Jesus and Pardoned by Trump

Controversy has swarmed around Roger Stone since the time of Nixon’s presidency. Google “Roger Stone,” and not one positive story appears in the results. In 2016, as a Democratic Congress tried to find impeachable offenses against President Trump, he claims federal prosecutors pressured him and courts violated his constitutional rights in order to get him …

How Political Operative Roger Stone Was Saved by Jesus and Pardoned by Trump Read More »

Clay Clark Warns the Church About Yuval Noah Harari and His Ties to the Global Reset

“History began when humans invented gods, and will end when humans become gods.” I didn’t borrow this quote from a dystopian novel about the future or from an end-times movie. Clay Clark, founder of the ReAwaken America Tour, used this quote because it’s the main headline on Yuval Noah Harari’s website. According to Clark, Barack …

Clay Clark Warns the Church About Yuval Noah Harari and His Ties to the Global Reset Read More »

Russian Tank Kills Daughter of Well-Known Pentecostal Pastor in Ukraine

A well-known Pentecostal pastor announced on Ukrainian national television that his adopted daughter was killed in her apartment by a Russian tank. Pastor Gennadiy Mokhnenko opened his interview by saying, “I’m sorry. I’m not very able to say something intelligible today because a few hours ago I was informed that one of my daughters was …

Russian Tank Kills Daughter of Well-Known Pentecostal Pastor in Ukraine Read More »

Miracles in A.D. 400? Would We Call St. Patrick a Charismatic?

The Charismatic Renewal emphasizes a renewal of gifts and miracles in our generation, unlike those who say they ceased after the early church. But if you study history, there were many of each in the church throughout the centuries. There is no better example than that of Patrick of Ireland, whose holiday we celebrate every …

Miracles in A.D. 400? Would We Call St. Patrick a Charismatic? Read More »

Cancel Culture Is Trying to Cancel Christianity. If We Don’t Stand Up to It, Who Will?

The reason I wrote my new book God and Cancel Culture is not because Donald Trump was canceled from Twitter or Mike Lindell had his MyPillow canceled in a couple dozen retail outlets. I think that’s a disturbing trend. I wrote it because I believe the ultimate goal for the far-Left socialist cancel culture crowd …

Cancel Culture Is Trying to Cancel Christianity. If We Don’t Stand Up to It, Who Will? Read More »

Founder of Long-Standing Ukrainian Megachurch Describes ‘Immediate Need’ in His Nation

You can see the urgency behind the headlines: People in Ukraine need immediate assistance. “They need support, and they need it now,” says Pastor Zhenya Kasevich in a recent interview on the Strang Report podcast. Although he recognizes the potential for aid far into the future, the immediate need is so great that his nonprofit …

Founder of Long-Standing Ukrainian Megachurch Describes ‘Immediate Need’ in His Nation Read More »

Believers Must War Against Satan’s Attacks on Ukraine, Lee Grady Says

As believers see today’s news reports, we can’t help but understand that we need to pray. Images of children, of the elderly and other innocent Ukrainian citizens fleeing cities under siege fill our screens. J. Lee Grady, director of The Mordecai Project, author and senior contributing editor for Charisma magazine, has identified a unique reason …

Believers Must War Against Satan’s Attacks on Ukraine, Lee Grady Says Read More »

How You Can Partner With CityServe to Support Local Churches on the Front Lines of the Ukraine Crisis

Editor’s Note: This is a developing story. Watch for more Strang Report interviews on the topic of Ukraine, including a possible live interview this week with the CityServe leadership team in Poland. People of faith know that every crisis represents an opportunity for ministry—and the current Ukraine crisis offers a tremendous one. No one knows …

How You Can Partner With CityServe to Support Local Churches on the Front Lines of the Ukraine Crisis Read More »

Why the Church Must Wake Up to End-Time Realities, Global Reset and More

“The body of Christ needs to wake up.” That declaration explains much of what I do as a Christian journalist and as founder and CEO of Charisma Media. My passion to serve as a “watchman on the wall,” as one Christian leader put it to me recently, drives much of the speaking I do, the …

Why the Church Must Wake Up to End-Time Realities, Global Reset and More Read More »

UKRAINE EXCLUSIVE: Vibrant Intercessor Is ‘Ready to Die’ for Her Faith, Begs for Prayers From West

We’ve all heard of foxhole faith. But what Tatiana Gumenyuk of Ukraine reveals in an exclusive Strang Report interview is the supernatural faith that can move mountains and stop wars. Speaking while her city near Kyiv remains under attack, this intercessor urges Western believers to pray for the people of Ukraine, Russia and Belarus—and says …

UKRAINE EXCLUSIVE: Vibrant Intercessor Is ‘Ready to Die’ for Her Faith, Begs for Prayers From West Read More »

Dr. Michael Youssef Says Ukraine Concerns Must Move Us to Pray for the Persecuted Church Worldwide

As current events draw our world more and more into panic mode, we know believers must respond in faith. Rather than allowing the headlines to move us into fear, Dr. Michael Youssef says, we must look to Scripture for answers—and turn our concerns into prayer for the global persecuted church. The alarming events in Ukraine …

Dr. Michael Youssef Says Ukraine Concerns Must Move Us to Pray for the Persecuted Church Worldwide Read More »

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