Author name: Steve Hill

The 7 Great Lies in the Church Today

False teachings running rampant within the American church have created a “whiteout” condition for  millions of believers. Here’s how to detect—and overcome—these destructive doctrines before it’s too late. Editor’s Note: Most Charisma readers remember Steve Hill as the fiery evangelist from the Brownsville Revival who has since continued to win countless souls for Jesus around …

The 7 Great Lies in the Church Today Read More »

Evangelist Steve Hill Calls Christians to Rise Up and Fight

We are living in perilous times—and I’m dedicated to exposing the schemes of Satan and then educating Christians on what to do about it. We are finding that many churches have become Satan’s sanctuary. Satan can sit down and savor a soft sermon. The pillow prophets behind the sacred pulpit won’t dare preach against him. Rather, they …

Evangelist Steve Hill Calls Christians to Rise Up and Fight Read More »

American flag and Bible

Take a Biblical Stand at the Polling Place

In just a few weeks millions of Americans will determine the destiny of this great nation. Some will blindly enter the booth and cast an uneducated vote. Others will robotically choose their traditional family political party. Then we have those who fear the potential outcome, do their homework and confidently vote according to a well-informed …

Take a Biblical Stand at the Polling Place Read More »


2012 Predictions: Persecution Will Increase in US

steve_hill_business_casualAt the threshold of this
New Year, people everywhere are concerned. Escalating political,
economic and social unrest have caused many, even believers, to become
perplexed and fearful about the future. Jesus warned us that before His
return, perilous times would come. But thank God, He has provided a way
for us to not only survive but even thrive during even the most
difficult of times. Allow me to illustrate.

family and I are certified scuba divers. One of the first things I
learned as a diver is that inclement weather doesn’t necessarily
indicate that you’re going to have a bad dive. As a matter of fact, the
storms can be raging on the surface, but deep below the divers are
experiencing a spectacular kaleidoscope of colorful choral and tropical

In relation to
this upcoming year, the Lord has spoken to me of rough weather ahead.
So, in anticipation, let’s all recognize the stormy seas, determine to
dive deep and experience the peace of God. 2012 will be a great year as
we hear His voice and obey His every command.


Remembering David Wilkerson

regret, my family was unable to attend the homecoming celebration of our dear
friend, David Wilkerson. Due to my own personal sickness, Jeri and I and our
family could not be present to pay tribute to this man who so radically changed
our lives.

story of Teen Challenge is the story of Steve and Jeri Hill. Christ was brought
to us and nurtured in us through this ministry. It’s with
tears in my eyes that I say, thank you brother Dave, for being there for us.


Get Ready to Serve

earth-horizonSomething powerful is on the horizon. The Lord is equipping His church for the
greatest outpouring the world has ever seen. We must do everything possible to
prepare our hearts and to train others for this soul-saving revival. We also
must be willing to be used by the Lord in new, unfamiliar ways.

A fresh evangelistic anointing is about to rest upon true believers. Fear
will give way to Holy Ghost-boldness as the Spirit of God directs His people
into uncharted spiritual territory. The thirsty masses are about to be handed an
unsolicited cup of cool water that will change them for eternity.

In an interview with a major news organization I was asked if the
evangelical church should be responsible for solving the world’s starvation and
disease epidemic. Though I don’t believe the answer lies solely with the church
(it’s a little more complex than that), I do believe that we are mandated to
feed, clothe and help the poor. If we don’t, then according to the Word of God,
our religion is lifeless.

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