Author name: Shelby Lindsay

Women Are Finding Biblical Purpose in this Explosive Move of God

Read Time: 1 Minute, 23 Seconds Thousands of women are unifying together in an explosive revival centered on one thing—hunger for more of Jesus. The “CORE group” was started by Jenny Weaver and now women in 450 home groups meet to worship God and meet His glory and presence. In a Charisma News interview, Weaver …

Women Are Finding Biblical Purpose in this Explosive Move of God Read More »

Former Satanist John Ramirez Reveals Key to Defeating the Enemy in Spiritual Warfare

Read Time: 2 minutes 30 seconds At 8-years-old, former satanist John Ramirez started down a deep, dark path of witchcraft and worshipping Satan. For 25 years he performed countless ceremonies in the realm of darkness, gathered with witches and warlocks and studied the devil’s playbook—until he had a radical encounter with Jesus that marked his …

Former Satanist John Ramirez Reveals Key to Defeating the Enemy in Spiritual Warfare Read More »

Do Current Bizzare Weather Events Point to Biblical Prophecy?

Read Time: 3 minutes 28 seconds A heartbreaking weather phenomenon is currently happening in Pakistan and many are wondering if it’s tied to biblical prophecy. More than 1 million homes have been destroyed and at least 1,100 people have died since massive flood rains started devastating the country in June. Pakistan typically gets three to …

Do Current Bizzare Weather Events Point to Biblical Prophecy? Read More »

WATCH: Kathie Lee Gifford Brings Ancient Biblical Stories to Life in New Movie

There are ancient stories in the Bible that depict exactly what is going on in the world today. The problem is, many American Christians haven’t heard or read all of the Bible. TV personality Kathie Lee Gifford has taken it upon herself to combat biblical illiteracy in America through music and narration. A modern-day inspiration …

WATCH: Kathie Lee Gifford Brings Ancient Biblical Stories to Life in New Movie Read More »

Holy Spirit Spreads Miraculous Discipleship Movement in War-Torn Ukraine

It’s been nearly six months since the war in Ukraine began. That country has suffered mass devastation at the hands of Vladimir Putin and Russia, but there is at least one wonderful and miraculous thing that has resulted from this terrible conflict. The Holy Spirit is birthing a revival that has spread across Ukraine amid …

Holy Spirit Spreads Miraculous Discipleship Movement in War-Torn Ukraine Read More »

Gen Z’s Getting Baptized, Experiencing Radical Move of God on Public College Campus

A wave of repentance and revival is sweeping across the nation and destroying the “seeker sensitive” church model. For one congregation, what started as a time of consecration and repentance has led to its Gen Z group getting baptized in a radical move of God. In Corpus Christi, Texas, New Life Church is seeing young …

Gen Z’s Getting Baptized, Experiencing Radical Move of God on Public College Campus Read More »

Prophecy: Jesus Said These Events Are Indicators of His Imminent Return

Rumors of wars, monkeypox, escalating tensions, division and confusion are all running rampant across the world stage right now at a rate that is unprecedented. Military analysts are saying that we are now entering into World War III, and we are looking at the destabilization of global economies. Monday night, President Donald Trump announced a …

Prophecy: Jesus Said These Events Are Indicators of His Imminent Return Read More »

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