Author name: Shane Idleman

Spirit-Filled Pastor: Change Your Life Before It Changes You

We are at a crossroads: Obesity is an epidemic, plaguing the young as well as the old, reaching alarming levels in children. Diabetes is affecting millions, and cancer and heart disease are the number-one killers in America. Are there answers? Yes; but we must speak the truth in love. Change Your Life Before It Changes …

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Spirit-Filled Pastor: The Great Cost of Preaching Without Prayer

Throughout church history — from the reformation to revival — pivotal shifts have taken place to get us back on track. These critical moments are often centered around sound doctrine, but the catalyst is always prayer, brokenness and humility. Today we find ourselves in another dilemma. The drift of so-called “liberal” churches is apparent. It’s …

Spirit-Filled Pastor: The Great Cost of Preaching Without Prayer Read More »

Pastors: Stop Trying to Be Popular—Speak as a Dying Man to Dying Men

As our nation falls deeper into the abyss of sin, one would think that pastors would rise up and follow Paul’s plea: “Be on guard; stand firm in your faith [in God, respecting His precepts and keeping your doctrine sound]. Act like [mature] men and be courageous; be strong” (1 Cor. 16:13, AMP). But sadly, …

Pastors: Stop Trying to Be Popular—Speak as a Dying Man to Dying Men Read More »

Spirit-Filled Pastor Gives an Update on His Fast for the Nation

Gordon Cove once challenged readers: “You have not sought the Lord with ‘your whole heart’ until you have tried a protracted season of prayer and fasting.” Could a lack of prayer, fasting and repentance be one of the hindrances to a spiritual awakening? Absolutely! Desperate times call for desperate measures. Fasting doesn’t twist God’s arm, …

Spirit-Filled Pastor Gives an Update on His Fast for the Nation Read More »

Spirit-Filled Pastor: Clearing Up the Confusion on Emotionalism, Revival and God’s Presence

In this candid interview, Pastor Shane Idleman opens up about emotional worship, revival, and experiencing God’s presence, and why we need sound doctrine along with the power of the Holy Spirit. Are you straight as a gun barrel theologically but just as empty? Then take a listen. Shane Idleman is the founder and lead pastor …

Spirit-Filled Pastor: Clearing Up the Confusion on Emotionalism, Revival and God’s Presence Read More »

The War on Lukewarm Christianity Has Begun: Will You Fight?

Nearly all Christians understand that evil is prevailing at an alarming rate, and that we may be on the verge of a massive recession and unparalleled civil unrest. But we aren’t called to run, but to rescue—we must lead in the battle, not leave the battle. (See How to Make a Difference—My Challenge to Readers …

The War on Lukewarm Christianity Has Begun: Will You Fight? Read More »

One of the Most Powerful yet Underutilized Weapons in Your Spiritual Arsenal

One of the most powerful weapons we have in our spiritual arsenal is prayer and fasting—it’s the difference between a hammer and a sledgehammer. Fasting brings the flesh into submission and encourages a mighty filling of the Spirit. Is there any hope for America? Take a listen. You’ll be encouraged, uplifted and convicted from this …

One of the Most Powerful yet Underutilized Weapons in Your Spiritual Arsenal Read More »

Spirit-Filled Pastor: Is Reinstatement Possible After Moral Failure?

Is it possible for a leader to be reinstated after a moral failure? Although there is not a one-size-fits-all approach, we can ask some hard questions: — Do they accept full responsibility for their actions without blame, resentment or bitterness? — Do they seek forgiveness without conditions and stipulations? — Do they take full (not …

Spirit-Filled Pastor: Is Reinstatement Possible After Moral Failure? Read More »

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