Author name: Ruth Foster

Through Tragedy, God Is Showing His Love for the Libyan People

On September 11, 2012, four Americans died in an Islamist attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya. Just months later, Anita and Ronnie Smith, along with their infant son, left their home in Austin, Texas, to move to Benghazi.  “We wanted to take God’s love and the gospel to Libya, to Benghazi, because …

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Amid Snipers and Shelling, Sudanese Christians Standing Firm for Christ

On April 15, 2023, fighting broke out between two warring Islamist factions in Khartoum, Sudan. Since then, Christians and non-Christians alike have suffered extreme hardship, difficulty and terror as the battle between the two factions continues. But Christians have been uniquely targeted in the ongoing conflict. “There is a lot of opportunistic killing and targeting …

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Following Jesus Under a Tyrant’s Rule

Last fall, China’s President Xi Jinping began his third term as leader of China’s Communist Party, a historic move with far-reaching consequences. “It is very significant because he is officially the dictator, tyrant and successfully removed the term limit of the presidency from the [Chinese] constitution,” said Bob Fu, founder and president of China Aid …

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Fulani Christian Says Persecution is Part of the Package

Read Time: 2 Minutes 29 Seconds Brother Malik read through the Bible 10 times before he became a Christian. As a member of the Fulani tribe in northwest Africa, he grew up in a devout Muslim family. His father was a Quranic scholar, and his grandfather a jihadist. Malik had never even met a Christian …

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Shame of Adoption Erased by Adoption into Christ’s Family

Read time: 2 minutes 45 seconds As a boy in Uzbekistan, Max begged for death as he cried himself to sleep every night. When he was 12 years old, he discovered he’d been adopted, something deeply shameful in the Islamic Uzbek culture. He felt abandoned and unwanted, every day was shrouded in darkness. Max no …

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