Author name: Ron Allen

Does the Book of Enoch Offer Important Insight Into God’s Prophetic Calendar?

This week on April 6, we celebrate the beginning of the Jewish sacred year. The Lord Himself specified that the sacred year would begin in the spring at the time of the Exodus (Ex. 12:2). In Egypt, the new year had begun in mid-July when the bright star Sirius rose in conjunction with the annual …

Does the Book of Enoch Offer Important Insight Into God’s Prophetic Calendar? Read More »

Inquisition Spirit Continues to Attack Trump After Mueller Report

The verdict from the Mueller investigation is in, and it looks like President Trump has been vindicated from charges that he colluded with the Russians during the 2016 election. Yet the inquisition lives on as Trump’s political opponents plan to keep digging in hopes of finding something to bring down his presidency, even as we …

Inquisition Spirit Continues to Attack Trump After Mueller Report Read More »

Do Ezekiel’s 4 Cherubim Correspond to These Prophetic Signs?

There has been much speculation about the nature of the four “living creatures” known as cherubim seen in Ezekiel’s vision (Ezek. 1:5 and 10:14) and John’s vision (Rev. 4:7). Whatever else they may signify, they have an amazing relationship to the celestial revelation of Christ in the stars which we call the Star Bible, and …

Do Ezekiel’s 4 Cherubim Correspond to These Prophetic Signs? Read More »

The Hidden Gospel Message in Sunday’s Super Blood Moon

On Jan. 20, the constellation Capricorn (The Goat) moves behind the sun. Capricorn is the fifth chapter of the Star Bible, a very peculiar picture of a dying goat with the tail of a fish. The constellation and its three associated constellations of Aquila (the eagle), Sagitta (the arrow) and Delphinus (the dolphin) tell the …

The Hidden Gospel Message in Sunday’s Super Blood Moon Read More »

Exposing Demonic Roots of New Paganism That’s Reshaping America

Last week, New York Times columnist Ross Douthat wrote a provocative article entitled “Post-Christian Paganism Begins to Emerge” where he sees a new pagan religion beginning to take shape in America. While 40 percent of Americans now claim to have had a religious awakening, double the number from the 1950s, there has been a splintering …

Exposing Demonic Roots of New Paganism That’s Reshaping America Read More »

The Prophetic Significance of Next Week’s Super Blood Moon

On Sunday night, Jan. 20, 2019, there will be a super blood moon visible throughout the United States. A blood moon, or lunar eclipse, occurs when the moon moves into the shadow of the Earth. The sunlight is refracted through the Earth’s atmosphere, giving the moon the reddish color which causes it to be called …

The Prophetic Significance of Next Week’s Super Blood Moon Read More »

Is India’s New Data System the End-Times Mark of the Beast?

According to a story published in The Wall Street Journal (“India’s Biometric Feat: Big Boon or Big Brother” by Newly Purnell, Dec. 22, 2018), the nation of India has implemented an electronic data system which can control access to goods and services for India’s 1.3 billion people. If this sounds like the basis of a …

Is India’s New Data System the End-Times Mark of the Beast? Read More »

How You Can Experience Psalm 19 for Yourself This Week

This week on January 2, 3 and 4, the morning stars tell their story just before sunrise. The “Morning Star” Mercury is one of the “Seven Planets” which were visible to the ancients. The fourth day of the week, Wednesday, is named in English after the Norse god corresponding to Roman Mercury and Greek Hermes. …

How You Can Experience Psalm 19 for Yourself This Week Read More »

This Prophetic Sign in the Sky May Be What the Wise Men Saw

On Dec. 21, 2018, on the winter solstice, the constellation Sagittarius (The Archer) moves behind the sun. Sagittarius is the fourth chapter of the Star Bible, picturing an archer drawing back on his bow to shoot an arrow. The arrow is Christ (Isa. 49:1-7), and the constellation represents the first coming of Christ. The constellation …

This Prophetic Sign in the Sky May Be What the Wise Men Saw Read More »

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