Author name: Ron Allen

Why God Chose to Announce the Fulfillment of This World-Changing Promise With Darkness

As the birth of Jesus was announced by the light of the Star of Bethlehem, so the death of Jesus was announced by the darkness of Calvary (Luke 23:44-45). It is not likely that an atmospheric phenomenon caused the unusual darkness because of the astonishment expressed by observers. Further, the cause of the darkness at …

Why God Chose to Announce the Fulfillment of This World-Changing Promise With Darkness Read More »

Powerful Passover Lessons From Jesus’ Last Sermon on Earth

As Jesus hung on the cross, struggling painfully for each breath, He uttered seven short, powerful statements showing who He was and what was happening, and encouraging those who would follow Him. It was His last sermon. 1. “Jesus said, ‘Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do’” (Luke 23:34). Jesus is not …

Powerful Passover Lessons From Jesus’ Last Sermon on Earth Read More »

Do the Stars Confirm God’s Victorious Isaiah 14 Promise?

This week, we will have one of the best opportunities of the year to view the planet Mercury. Mercury is one of the “seven planets” that were visible to the ancients. The fourth day of the week, Wednesday, is named in English after the Norse god corresponding to Roman Mercury and Greek Hermes. The planet …

Do the Stars Confirm God’s Victorious Isaiah 14 Promise? Read More »

Your Deadliest Blow Against Spiritual Terrorism

Another week of terrorist attacks reminds us that terrorism continues to be a tactic of choice for Islamic extremists.   The terror tactic has a long and tragic history. Military historians tell us that the worst terrorist of all time was Genghis Khan, whose armies destroyed the agricultural hinterlands of their enemies, drove the peasants …

Your Deadliest Blow Against Spiritual Terrorism Read More »

Is God Using This Prophetic Sign to Call His People to Prayer and Repentance?

This week at about 10:00 p.m., the warring constellations of Leo (the lion) and Hydra (the serpent) will be at their highest point in the Southern sky. Leo (the Lion) is a zodiacal constellation and is the last chapter of the Star Bible. It is the culmination of the theme of the Star Bible, Genesis …

Is God Using This Prophetic Sign to Call His People to Prayer and Repentance? Read More »

Prayer Warriors, Let’s Cry Out to God for This St. Patrick’s Day Miracle

St. Patrick’s Day, March 17, is recognized as an Irish celebration, but in fact the whole Christian world owes a large debt to St Patrick. Brought to pagan Ireland as a slave, Patrick escaped and returned to his home in Roman Christian Britain. However, he was unable to forget the lost souls of Ireland and …

Prayer Warriors, Let’s Cry Out to God for This St. Patrick’s Day Miracle Read More »

This Prophetic Sign Points to a Major Last-Days Event

On March 20, the first day of spring, the sun will enter the constellation Pisces (the fish). Pisces (the fish) is the seventh chapter of The Star Bible, picturing two fish tied together in unity, and representing the joining of the Jewish and Gentile believers to form the church. The other constellations associated with Pisces …

This Prophetic Sign Points to a Major Last-Days Event Read More »

Martin Luther had some great ideas—and some not-so-great ones.

This Famous Church Reformer’s Bad Idea Still Haunts Us Today

On March 10, 1528, Martin Luther published a book which changed the course of history. And not for the better. His book, The Book of Vagabonds and Beggars, proposed that the state should establish a social welfare system to replace the church in caring for the poor. Up until that time, the church had made …

This Famous Church Reformer’s Bad Idea Still Haunts Us Today Read More »

God doesn't need scientists' help to declare His glory.

Why God Doesn’t Need Scientists to Prove His Miracle-Working Power

Last week it was announced with much fanfare that seven new Earth-sized planets, three within the “habitable zone” for life, had been found orbiting a dwarf star only 40 light years away. Scientists looking for extra-terrestrial life were giddy with excitement. Space aliens may be watching our TV reruns from the ’70s out there, but …

Why God Doesn’t Need Scientists to Prove His Miracle-Working Power Read More »

Pastor Martin Niemoller, a former submarine captain, refused to capitulate to the Nazis.

What a German Submarine Captain Can Teach Us About Standing Against Demonic Tyranny

The time is fast approaching when the church will need to remember the lesson of German pastor Martin Niemoller. Pastor Niemoller was a man of great courage. He had been a submarine captain before he entered the ministry. As a minister, he spoke out against the atrocities of the Nazi regime. On March 2, 1938, …

What a German Submarine Captain Can Teach Us About Standing Against Demonic Tyranny Read More »

The Arch of Constantine

Why 2017 Could Be the Year Jesus’ Prayer in John 17 Is Fulfilled

On Feb. 27 in A.D. 380, Roman Emperor Theodosius made Christianity into the official state religion. It was one of the most catastrophic events in church history. Up until the time Constantine legalized the Church in A.D. 313, the great strength of the church was the fact that the kingdom of God resided within the …

Why 2017 Could Be the Year Jesus’ Prayer in John 17 Is Fulfilled Read More »

The heavens declare the glory of God—and tell His story.

What the Aquarius Constellation Teaches Us About Pentecost—and the End Times

The New Age people have falsely tried to promote the idea that we are entering a new age of peace and brotherhood—the Age of Aquarius. The real Age of Aquarius is represented in the zodiac constellation of Aquarius (the water pourer), which slips behind the sun on Feb. 18. Aquarius is the sixth chapter of …

What the Aquarius Constellation Teaches Us About Pentecost—and the End Times Read More »

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