Author name: Ron Allen

Why We Should All Celebrate Emancipation Day, Jan. 2

Jan. 2 is Emancipation Day, marking the anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation, which started the ball rolling to free all Americans from slavery. Our organization, the Emancipation Network, takes its name from the Emancipation Proclamation, and we also strive to free Americans from slavery—debt slavery. The author of the Emancipation Proclamation, Abraham Lincoln, is our …

Why We Should All Celebrate Emancipation Day, Jan. 2 Read More »

Join Kenneth Copeland and Lou Engle in These Healing Prayers for the Body

This week, we are in the midst of praying through the 40-day Jewish season of repentance, Teshuvah. The word “Teshuvah” literally means to return to the presence of God. It is a season of introspection and repentance for Christians to come into unity with God, as Jesus prayed in John 17:21. However, as Jesus prayed, …

Join Kenneth Copeland and Lou Engle in These Healing Prayers for the Body Read More »

How Spirit-Filled Believers Must Pray to Demolish This Abominable Curse

Four hundred years ago, on Aug. 20, 1619, the first African slave was brought to Virginia. Along with him came the curse of slavery. The slave trade is as old as humanity, with African slaves being sold to Arab slavers long before Europeans appeared. The Europeans, however, took slave trading to a whole new level …

How Spirit-Filled Believers Must Pray to Demolish This Abominable Curse Read More »

America’s Godless Liberty Will Lead to This Scary Reality Unless the Church Steps Up

Just 10 days after the Americans celebrate their Revolution, the French celebrate theirs, on Bastille Day, July 14. The two revolutions could not have been more different. The Americans honored God in their Declaration of independence. The French, on the other hand, adopted the atheistic, anti-Christian values of the French Enlightenment and set out to …

America’s Godless Liberty Will Lead to This Scary Reality Unless the Church Steps Up Read More »

Why the Church Desperately Needs to Recapture the Spirit of Declaration Day

On July 4, we celebrate the signing of the Declaration of Independence and call it Independence Day. Actually, our Independence came seven years later, in 1783. On July 4, 1776, we made a declaration of our basic principles, and so the holiday should really be called Declaration Day. Our Founding Fathers declared first of all …

Why the Church Desperately Needs to Recapture the Spirit of Declaration Day Read More »

Harbinger of Destruction? US Experiences Record-Breaking Rainfall This Year

Record rains and associated climate concerns are big news today. We thought it would be a good time to bring in some historical perspective from Brian Fagan’s classic book, The Little Ice Age. Just last week, writers Jacob Bunge and Kirk Maltais reported in The Wall Street Journal that the last 12-month period was the …

Harbinger of Destruction? US Experiences Record-Breaking Rainfall This Year Read More »

30 Years Later, What Christians Should Know About China’s Horrific Tiananmen Square Massacre

Thirty years ago, on the night of June 3, 1989, the Chinese Communist Party murdered thousands of democracy demonstrators in Tiananmen Square. It is an event that resonates even today and should be remembered. Compared to the 35 million deliberately starved to death in the 1950s and the millions killed in the Cultural Revolution of …

30 Years Later, What Christians Should Know About China’s Horrific Tiananmen Square Massacre Read More »

Christians Must Do This Before America Passes the Point of No Return

The time is fast approaching when the church will need to remember the lesson of German Pastor Martin Niemoller. Pastor Niemoller was a man of great courage who had been a submarine captain in World War I before he entered the ministry. As a minister, he spoke out against the atrocities of the Nazi regime. …

Christians Must Do This Before America Passes the Point of No Return Read More »

Are We Witnessing the Greatest End-Times Miracle of God?

Next week, on May 14, we will celebrate the 71st year of Israel as an independent nation. The rebirth of Israel after almost 2,000 years stands as an amazing fulfillment of Bible prophecy. Numerous Scriptures refer to an end-time role for the nation of Israel. Even the date of Israel’s formation can be calculated from …

Are We Witnessing the Greatest End-Times Miracle of God? Read More »

How to Pray for Victims of Sri Lanka’s Church Attacks Right Now

The terrorist attacks in Sri Lanka on Easter Sunday remind us that terrorism continues to be a tactic of choice for Islamic extremists. The terror tactic has a long and tragic history. Military historians tell us that the worst terrorist of all time was Genghis Khan, whose armies destroyed the agricultural hinterlands of their enemies, …

How to Pray for Victims of Sri Lanka’s Church Attacks Right Now Read More »

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