Author name: Rabbi Eric Tokajer

Prophetic Accuracy: When the Insignificant Becomes Significant

When I was a young man searching for truth, I spent untold hours comparing different belief systems. I had been raised in Judaism, but as I compared what I read in Tanakh (the Hebrew Bible) with what I was seeing and experiencing in my synagogue community, I became a questioner. I sincerely wanted to believe …

Prophetic Accuracy: When the Insignificant Becomes Significant Read More »

Unveiling the Difference Between Ministry and Calling

Recently, I attended a worship service and the topic of the message was “G-D’s Calling Upon the Life of Believers.” The speaker to the congregation began boldly and encouragingly by reminding them that Isaiah was called to be a prophet to Judah, Jonah was called to prophesy to Nineveh, Peter was called to go to …

Unveiling the Difference Between Ministry and Calling Read More »

Are You Prepared for the Chaos and Darkness That Are Coming?

A little over a week ago, terrorists attacked Israel, killing thousands of men, women and children. For many of us, those actions not only broke our hearts, but also rocked our foundations a little. The barbaric actions were overwhelming even to the strongest people of faith. Standing alone, the atrocities we saw and read about …

Are You Prepared for the Chaos and Darkness That Are Coming? Read More »

A Reminder for Believers: The Church is Not Israel

Since the beginning of the recent war started by Hamas against Israel, I have been blessed to see so many believers in Yeshua (Jesus) rise up to pray for and encourage Israel as she fights against her adversaries. However, I also saw many people who proclaim to believe in Yeshua repeating the anti-Semitic tropes of …

A Reminder for Believers: The Church is Not Israel Read More »

Messianic Rabbi: No, We Do Not Need to Live in a Sukkah

Every Autumn, people around the world gather materials together and build sukkot, or tabernacles in their yards. The brave ones actually sleep in their sukkah under the stars exposed to the elements, while the less adventurous only eat their meals while sitting inside their booth.  Those who build these simple shacks with see-through roofs that …

Messianic Rabbi: No, We Do Not Need to Live in a Sukkah Read More »

What if an Entire Congregation Came to the Altar to Humbly Repent?

I stood in synagogue on Yom Kippur this week and recited prayers of repentance along with our entire congregation. I joined in praying the A1 chet (For the sin of…) and I beat my chest while asking for forgiveness as each sin was spoken aloud. Afterwards, I listened to a message about repentance which included …

What if an Entire Congregation Came to the Altar to Humbly Repent? Read More »

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