Author name: Pamela Christian

In the Face of Escalating Evil, Look Here for Lasting Hope

I am concerned. I am concerned for you. I am concerned for all that’s important to you. I am concerned for our world. I am concerned for myself and my loved ones. As world events escalate, it’s becoming increasingly more difficult to get up in the morning with an optimistic attitude. Too many factors exist …

In the Face of Escalating Evil, Look Here for Lasting Hope Read More »

Diversions Crafted to Conceal the Truth

At the time of writing this article, the whole world is suffering largely under threats from their own governments that attack our God-given personal freedoms and rights, and threaten our personal health and livelihood. Lockdowns, mask mandates, “vaccine” mandates, “vaccine” passports, demands on private business operations, demands on students in public schools and much more …

Diversions Crafted to Conceal the Truth Read More »

The Harbinger for the Great Harvest of Souls

We are living in a time of tremendous tension. The battle between good and evil is reaching an all-time intensity. Discerning Christians sense it; even non-Christians are becoming aware of the pressure in the atmosphere. Everyone worldwide has been brought to the extreme edge where we know something is about to happen, because the pressure …

The Harbinger for the Great Harvest of Souls Read More »

God Is Never on Defense—Neither Are His Genuine Prophets

Envision an otherworldly scene where a massive tree is loaded with an abundance of fruit, and each individual fruit represents a real-life Christian on the planet today. Every single Christian alive today is represented by the fruit. Well-known Christian leaders, singers, musicians, teachers, prophets, evangelists, pastors, apostles, laymen, children, workplace Christians, everyday Christians—each and every …

God Is Never on Defense—Neither Are His Genuine Prophets Read More »

Do Current Events Parallel Prophetic Revelations of the End Times?

In light of world events, the familiar adage, “History repeats itself,” has taken on new meaning for me since early 2020. I wondered, Why would God allow history to be repeated, unless earlier events were intended to prepare God’s people for what lies ahead? It’s one thing to learn from history but another to intentionally …

Do Current Events Parallel Prophetic Revelations of the End Times? Read More »

In a World of Deception, Who Can Discern the Truth?

In our world today, truth has been turned upside down. People are clamoring to find the truth to know who and what they can trust. No one wants to be lied to—not even a pathological liar likes being lied to. We’ve had conflicting reports through media from so-called leaders and scientists regarding COVID-19. People are …

In a World of Deception, Who Can Discern the Truth? Read More »

Do the Current Days for the Church Reflect That of Esther’s Time?

There has been much reference to the historical account of God’s intervention to spare His people from the evil plot of destruction by Haman recorded in the book of Esther. The common theme has been that the days in which we’re living are very much like the days when the Jews’ existence was at risk …

Do the Current Days for the Church Reflect That of Esther’s Time? Read More »

Is Divine Intervention Needed in America?

Divine intervention is when God steps in and miraculously changes the outcome of a situation. Divine intervention demonstrates the undeniable existence and power of God. The contentious presidential election for the United States, with the many claims of fraud and illegal actions, has caused the entire world to intently watch the final outcome. For all …

Is Divine Intervention Needed in America? Read More »

Powerful Truths to Remember as We Look Back at the Tumultuous 2020

Worldwide people were ready to be done with 2020 because of the many horrific events and losses we’ve suffered. However, I believe this perspective is limited to a temporal and carnal perspective. Let’s take a few moments to reconsider God’s plan and how we can best align ourselves to be part of His plan. We …

Powerful Truths to Remember as We Look Back at the Tumultuous 2020 Read More »

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